Forever Young application form.

Who do you think you are?                                   

[Username] dumplingcheeks_

[Profile Link] here.

[What should I call you?] Lee.

[Activeness] 10 - being I don't have a life.

You are beautiful in every single way                    

[Ulzzang Name] Park Sora

[Links] [x][x][x][x][x][x]

[Back-up Ulzzang Name] Lee Eun Jin

[Links] [x][x][x][x][x]

[Style] A total fashionista; she loves wearing things that are of various colours and styles. She doesn't follow the typical norm of how a celebrity should dress - she just dresses how she feels like it. She has the same 'obsessive' disease that L has - buying the same shirt with different colours and what not. e.g. [x][x][x][x][x][x][x]

→ When there's more than I thought I could be          

[Character Name] Yang Jiae

[Nicknames] Ddil-Jiae; though Jiae might exuberate sophistication and charisma on stage, off-stage, Jiae is really known for being clumsy. She is always in some sort of accident - so much so, the company started calling her Ddil-Jiae. Yang-엄마, because she has the tendency to act like a mother.

[Height] 170cm

[Weight] 49kg

[Birthday] February 29th, 1992

[Age] 20

[Birth Place] Bradford, West Yorskhire, North England

[Hometown] Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

[Enthicity] British

[Languages Spoken] English; fluent, Korean; basics + still learning

[Personality] Being the firstborn in the family, Jiae naturally has that maternal instinct within her. Calling her a motherhen would be an understatement; she loves fussing over her siblings and making sure nothing happens to them (and by nothing, I mean, no one bullies her siblings). She has low tolerance for people bullying her siblings - she believes that only she can make her siblings' lives a living hell (not that she actually does it). When you ask her friends to describe Jiae with a word, they normally call her 'anchor'. Not because she tends to drag people down but it's because she keeps everyone's feet planted firmly on the ground. She is very expressive and opinionated; Jiae is not afraid to point it out to somebody when they are being too snobby or too arrogant. Despite that, Jiae is the type that is never able to say 'no' to her friends hence she would often tag along and just stand at the side, helping only when it is necessary. Jiae is really good in judging a person's character - most of the time, if she doesn't like the girl, she will never like the girl. Jiae's just stubborn like that. But most of the time, Jiae can get a tad bit overbearing with her 'motherhen' attitude but she always bring laughter to people especially when she trips over nothing. Jiae is just Jiae; you need to really know her to actually understand most of the things that she chooses to do.

[History] Growing up, Jiae has caused a lot of fist-clenching mainly because she was so expressive and opinionated up to the point that her teacher actually had to tape shut because she would not keep quiet. Despite that, as a little girl, Jiae was not hated nor was she really liked - she was normal; she was an obedient girl and rarely talk back to her parents. She had a talent for singing and rapping - most of the time, she usually practices those at home. When her siblings came in the picture, Jiae was the most excited little girl ever! She played with all of them and always sung lullabies to them.

[Likes] cold weather, chocolates - in any sort of form, sticky candies, M&S biscuits, Keys (her poodle) and her twitter account.

[Dislikes] insects/bugs in general - she has insectophobia. the smell of cheese can be revolting to her, a really hot day, getting migraines, getting frustrated over her Korean, stumbling over her Korean.

[Trivia] Gangnam is where her grandparents live - she stays there at times. Jiae's first actual sentence that she can say in Korean is "Excuse me, where is the toilet". Her favourite colour is green. Her companion is a poodle named Keys, after Alicia Keys. She always bring her iPhone whenever she goes. She is highly squeamish when she sees blood.

[Hobbies] practicing her Korean every day, learning new set of words, baking desserts, going to Han River and studying attentively.

[Habits] fussing over her members, tripping over air/her own two feet, talking to inanimate object when she's mad, speaking to people with honorifics and when she is too frustrated to convey her feelings in Korean, she would just speak in English

Where is the love, the love, the love?                    

[Family Background] Her family had moved to Bradford, prior to Jiae being born. Her parents were both one of the few permanent diplomats under the Korean Embassy. They were not wealthy but they were well-off. Though her parents can be really busy at times, all of them would always try to spend their days off together and every holiday, they will always go to the nearest city and stay overnight. The family mostly visits Manchester and Leeds.

[Family Members]

Name: Yang Hyun Woo
Age: 50
Job: Diplomat
Relation to your character: Father
Personality: When he's not working, he is a really dorky father - one that cracks lame jokes. He is an entertaining person to be around with; always supporting his kids, pushing them in the directions they wanna go. Though at times, he can get a little bit annoying with his laid-back attitude.

Name: No Jinah
Age: 48
Job: Diplomat
Relation to your character: Mother
Personality: Jinah is really close to all of her children; she likes trying to spoil them. When people see Jinah with her children, they would often think that Jinah is the big sister because the way all of her children act around her. She is the cool mother - one you can go to when you have problems, even if the problem is boy-related or anatomy-related.


Name: Yang Seung Hyun
Age: 17
Job: student
Relation to your character: Little brother
Personality: No one understands Seung Hyun better than Jiae. Seung Hyun is quite reserve - a man with little words. He is 'actions speak louder than words' personified. When he does speak, he always speak cryptically in which only Jiae truly understands.

Name: Yang Jiyoo
Age: 10
Job: student
Relation to your character: Little sister
Personality: She is the typical little sister. Annoying, attention-seeking but the whole family would not have her any other way. Jiyoo is a rather cute girl - one that knows that she is cute and uses that to her advantange. Even though she is small, she really is manipulative.

[Best friend]

Name: Park Sunyoung | Luna
Age: 18
Job: A member of f(x)
Relation to your character: Best friend
Personality: Luna is really funny in her own way. She loves theater and drama and can be considered as a rather dramatic girl. Despite Luna being younger than Jiae, these two are really close.


Name: Lee Soojung
Age: 19
Job: Trainee
Relation to your character: close friends
Personality: Soojung is fun to be around with; she is hardworking, passionate and hates being looked down upon. Her favourite things to do whenever she has free time is go to the cafe, buy a drink, sit near the window and people-watch.

Name: Ok Dong Sun
Age: 20
Job: Trainee
Relation to your character: close friends
Personality: Dong Sun is like the big brother Jiae never had. He is caring, protective and wonderful in so many ways.

[Love Interest]

Name: Lu Han
Age: 22
Job: Member of Exo-M
How do you two act around each other: Jiae gets flustered around Lu Han easily, although she tries her best not to show it. These two, when put together, are rather hilarious actually. Jiae still has troubles with her Korean so their communication is a tad bit halted but what they lack in words, they have a lot in actions. Lu Han takes care of Jiae - gives her water when he sees her being tired and just look plain exhausted.
Do you keep contact: Yes[] No[] Sometimes[x]
If so, how: Due to different schedules and promotion time, they would try their hardest to always be the first/last to greet each other 'good morning/night' and what not via text message. When they are really free, they would talk on the phone.
Were you in a relationship before: Yes[] No[x]
How did you meet: When Jiae was a trainee, she accidentally went into the wrong classroom and ended up sitting in the Chinese lesson class. Due to the fact that she was still bad in Korean, she just sat in the class and listened to everything - not really understanding a lot but understanding basic things to a certain degree. When the class ended, Lu Han was the first one to approach her because he realized that she looked really lost when their teacher was explaining a few things and translating Korean to Chinese and vice versa. Jiae was slightly surprised when Lu Han approached her and she tried her best to listen to him (but the fact that he had such a wonderful face was slightly distracting). With her broken Korean, she tried to tell Lu Han that she was lost and she still had to go to her Korean class. Lu Han volunteered to help her and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

[Back-up Love Interest]

Name: Kris Wu Fan
Age: 21
Job: leader of Exo-M
How do you two act around each other: Jiae feels comfortable around Kris and sometimes, they would often joke around with each other. They may not be really close but they are really okay with each other.
Do you keep contact: Yes[] No[] Sometimes[x]
If so, how: Somehow, whenever Jiae gets lost or embarrasses herself. Kris is always around. He would often help her out and would even translate for her. They exchanged their contact numbers and whenever Jiae has any questions regarding her Korean, he is always the first one she would call.
Were you in a relationship before: Yes[] No[x]
How did you meet: Jiae, although she now knows better words in Korean, still mixes them at time. So instead of going to where her trainer had told her to go, she ended up in the place where EXO were all hanging out. Due to the sudden intrusion, everyone stared at her and feeling like a deer caught in headlights, Jiae blurted some random stuffs in Korean and immediately fled outside. She hung around the hallway, trying to figure out which room she was told to go to and that was when Kris came out. Jiae was so into her monologue that she did not realize Kris was standing behind her and when she turned around, Jiae tripped backwards and landed on her . Kris chuckled at her and held his hand out, helping her. Jiae asked him if he knew how to speak English and she was happy to find that he could understand her, despite her accent and Kris helped her find her room


Name: Kim Hyuna
Age: 18 (turning 19)
Job: vocalist & rapper for 4Minute
Reason for your rivalry: This all started when Jiae first met Hyuna. She thought that Hyuna was trying to hard to be y when the rest of the members let their iness come to them easily. She voiced it out to Hyuna and Hyuna took it in a wrong way. Since then, their respects for each other has been tarnished. Hyuna would always try to win against her in nearly everything. Though Hyuna treated her that way, Jiae still maintains a degree of professionalism towards her, mainly because Hyuna is her sunbae in the industry and this pisses Hyuna even more. So gradually, they became rivals in nearly everything.
Were you friends before: Yes[] No[x]

Everyday I'm shuffling                                         


Lead Rapper: [x][x][x]
Lead Vocals: [x][x][x]

[Solo Fanclub name] Ae-some (a play on awesome)

[Fanclub color] lime green.

[Other Talents] Jiae can easily hit any high notes that's thrown at her. She gives the best massages and makes the best desserts. a lyricist.

[Pre-debut] Trainee days were literally like hell for her. Despite having the talent, when she first came to Korea, she literally knew no one and her Korean was practically just the really, really basic ones. Her days in Korea were really dark and dull and she was alone. She had troubles communicating with fellow trainees because she could not form full sentences in Korean and when they tried to speak to her in English, the trainees can never really understand her due to her thick Bradford accent. Though other than that, she took lessons in trying to improve her Korean and she has appeared in a few music videos as cameos and did a few photoshoots. After her Korean improved, she only managed to make very little friends because the others were still rather wary of her.

[Persona] Brighter than the Sun Ddil-Jiae.

[Stage Name] G.A (Jiae)

Turn in on                                                           

[Comments] Your application is definitely an interesting one - it's so colourful as well! Good luck with the story and can't wait to see what you have planned for story!

[Anything else?] I don't think you've missed anything else.

[Password] My bias is... honestly, I can never have a fixed bias. But if I really had to choose, it's probably this girl here. My wonderful Tiffany.


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