So when I saw the previews and stuff before Iris(the series) began, I thought TOP played a major villian. But I was actually wrong. Though I honestly HATE his character's name in the drama. Vick. Ew. LOL. But the drama is great. I've watched it MANY MANY times, I recommend it to any kdrama watchers out there. I also think that Byunghyun(who plays Hyeojun[I think that's how you spell it]) is a great actor. In the first few episodes, my sister Mi Sun and I couldn't figure out his name, so we gave him one: "y man". That's what we call him, even though we know his name. I sometimes call him Byunghun though. Then when TOP finally appeared in the drama, we'd call him TOPYUNG or EVEN IER MAN. Iris is filled with y men. 


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