Sprouts guide to: Writing a story!

To my dear readers and other people that venture to this page, welcome. (spock say's hi)
I would make a formal bow but once I sit on my knees it either takes to long time for me to get up or I walk around like a zombie for the rest of the day
(The expiration date on them was a lie!!! I'm to young for bad knees T.T)


Anywho, as the title say's, I'd like to explain to people How I write (because it might help others... and I was in the mood to blog O_o)
If it's to long you ask Spock to beam you up :D

Now to the subject at hand.
I never, Ever start from the beginning. Evaaaaaaarrrr!!!!
When I write it's like playing a game (the ones where you have a mission and have to aquire the right things allong the way to reach the ending, you know... RPG's and stuff)


But offcourse, before you start to make it into a "game", you need a subject and stuff... and that would be the inspiration phase... 

Inspiration comes in many forms and can be used in many way's.
To develop your writing styles you can read different kinds of books, poems and stuff like that. I myself prefer to read fantasy books, I have *beep* load of them with the ocasional poem here and there (I really recommend the divine comedie by  Dante Alighieri <3... the one that became dante's inferno (game, anime). My motto comes from there: You make your own heaven out of hell/ Hell out of heaven (I might say that it's not really recommended to Christians...)

Now to get the big inspiration. Because this mostly contains K-pop related stories we will start from there.
Watch many shows. Variety, k-drama's, YT-clips and stuff. Also articles! If you know which artist(s) you want to write about, look up a lot of junk about them. If you know how to read "between the lines" you might even find a story line in them. It's also a good way to get to know them a bit better as well and to develop the characters you want to make.
When you found out which characters you want to use (and how you want to use them in your story) it's time to find a genre... and yes we are still in the inspiration section because these things need to be figured out before you start!
The setting, world, time and stuff... that's our next target.
There are a lot of things that can inspire you to get there. Books (again), movies, games (yay!), songs, the internet, etc... Even other peoples story's (fanfics) can inspire you to write. Somethimes they even give you the thought of "Hey! I can do that a lot better!"
I'm not telling you to copy somebody's story, I'm telling you to challenge yourself.

Also! Think big! Like conquering the world BIG (I'm still working on the conquering tough >.>)
Because you litterly get a whole (imaginated) world in your hand and the only one that can make things happen is you!

To give an example of what one (yes only one) inspiration source can do, I'll give a story of my own as an exampple.
It was one day, when I was... 14 years old (long long time ago... >.>) or around that age. I was sitting in the back seat of my parents car, my brother (ugh even that thing is being mentioned) sitting next to me while we where on our way to my grandparents. With me I had my portable CD-player (MP3's where hella expensive back then and I didn't even have computer then) and the latest CD I had bought... Nightwish - Century Child (Didn't even know K-pop excisted back then) As I was listening to the lyrics (Thank god I understood English allready, thank you MR. Television)


And while I was listening to it, I was simply staring out of the window, looking at the scenery. While I was looking outside I started to imagine things (I was not hallucinating back the, drugs was a myth) A big fantasy battle with a lot of lights, explosions, fires, water, ice, lightning and stuff with involving people like you and me, dragons (<3 no fantasy story is complete without a dragon), demons and one guy that powned them all and one huge tower (we had passed the water tower near my gramps place by then) in the middle of that battle. Until this day I kept pondering over this story and I'm still writing about it. It became a story I titled "Masters of the elements" (but it's written in my own language... dutch) and all those elements are included. The guy, powning it all, became a main character called Owen, the demons became the main enemy. The elements became the main power and the dragons are currently one of the races of a world I call Moté Elemesia. But I swear I trust everyone that reads this to not steal anything of the names and stuff because it's still my life purpose to make it into a book >.>.
Anyway, that's what inspiration can do for someone who's mind has enough imagination to write something. It's awesome!

Now, we finished up the inspiration section (I know this is a very long blog so take your time reading it.)
Anywho, now that we are inspired and have an idea, we can start writing! and this is how my magical game of creativity starts...

Now we begin with what I call the drafting proces.
You write in rought lines with what you want to happen in your story. Like simple tree liner thingy's to get you going. It can be some random thing that happens in your story. Because it are those "drafts" that will get you going and inspire you to keep writing(didn't we talk about that allready?! O_o)

And that is what will get is started on our story.
You know my story "The "What if's" of Taeteuk"? read it? (Shameless advertising: READ IT!!!) There is this accident right? Well that was written before anything else.
Why? Because that is the game we are playing. You write a chapter with something big happening in it, might even take day's doing so, and then you start writing from the beginning to that point and make sure that you don't make any mistakes in your timeline or anything while you do so, make sure that everything fits into place... like a puzzle...

(Don't want this to happen do you?)

And that's the game! You have your mission objective, you migh encounter some side missions while you are on your adventure or some difficulties... heck you probably have to do some retry's allong the way but in the end there is only one thing that matters... reaching the ending.











Thought it was the end of this blog, did you? No way!


I'm joking, I'm joking :p

I still have some tips for you people (this is not me hypnotizing y'all for my world domination plan... or maybe it is *insert evil grin here*)

Tip 1: Advice! Are you stuck with something, ask a friend or somebody else who is into reading/writing stuff (just like you) what they think. From the simples thing to a name to a complete proof reading. But remember that it's just an opinion. If you don't like it then just ignore it :D

Tip 2: visualisation! A picture or a video of something is a good thing to help you write something. If, for example, it's a kiss? (I know you girls out there like this one!) search for a picture of a video about and just write every detail about. It's also good practice. Or if you want to describe something like a body(or a body part *insert shameless grin... but not that shameless because I'm not that big of a !*) And write about every curve you see, every shadow you see, every movement it can make... simply every detail.


Tip 3: Background music! Those a great mood makers for a story. There's a song for everything! If it's a happy moment, a happy song. If it's romantic, a romantic song. If it's depressing then a depressing song. If it's about a fight or something then you have Volbeats - still counting... yeaaaaaah (just listen to it if you want to know what I mean =D)

Tip 4: Channel your inner mood! (This is not yoga >.>) If your in a bad good mood, use it! It's one of your biggest weapons!!! Also it helps to get out of that mood. You can be surprised how good a story can be when your in a bad mood.... I can tell (ego much xD)

Tip5: Take your time. That's very important. Rome wasn't build in a day and so is your story (depending on how long it is offcourse) and don't forget to take an occasional break when needed, Hmmm'kay?

I think I said everything I have to say *re-reads blog* yeaaaaah that's bout it... If I remember something then I'll just update it :D
So if you'll excuse me I'll write on my story's now ^_^



*insert depressing music for ending credits*



Sprout....................................The amazing vegetable (sprout)
Spock...............................................................Leonard Nimoy
Nerd T-shirt...........................................................random guy
Roadsign...................................................................The Hulk
Villain laugh...........................The amazing vegetable (sprout)
Peas in a pot.................................................Peas from a can


Writer.....................................The amazing vegetable (sprout)
Director..................................The amazing vegetable (sprout)
Producer................................The amazing vegetable (sprout)
Design...................................The amazing vegetable (sprout)






You <3
For reading this crap

The amazing vegetable (Sprout)
For being me <3

AFF - Asian FanFics
For letting me and others write here







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