Believe in Your Dreams | The Dreamers: MusicBeatz New Girl Group | Application

AFF Information

Username: asami--chan

Profile Link: although I’m assuming you know where to find me… ;3 LINK!


Character's Profile

*Note: If something does not apply to your character, type N/A and explain why.

Name: Han Ana

Nickname(s)[Optional] | English Name [Optional]:  Banana (HanAna, Banana…get it? OTL) | n/a

Age[16 being minimum; 24 being maximum.]: 16

Birthday[MM/DD/YYYY]: 08/16/1995

Birthplace: Seoul

Hometown: ^^same.

Ethnicity[2 Max]: Full Korean

Language(s)[5 Max; Explain how you know that language and your fluency]:

 Fluent Korean.

Good Chinese [Mandarin] – studied it in school and had a Chinese exchange student that she keeps in touch with.

Height[cm]: 153 cm

Weight[kg]: 43.5 kg

Blood Type: A


Character's Personality and Interests

Personality[At least one to two paragraphs. The longer the better. Be creavitve~ ;D]:

Ana is a cute, quirky, VERY friendly, sweet, and spazzy girl. She doesn’t like to stay still and is often seen jumping around, zipping to and fro, and squealing like the little fangirl she is.

CUTE! – She loves all things cute, fluffy, and squishy. Ana has natural aegyo and she loves not only DOING aegyo, but also SEEING other people do aegyo. 

Quirky~ - Although you wouldn’t exactly call her 4D, she does have this quirky aspect to her that can sometimes surprise people. For example, her sudden seriousness about some topics (like love, abuse, saesangs, promises, that sort of stuff…) is so unexpected that it can catch people off guard. Also, Ana is very emotional. While she doesn’t really cry for herself, if something unfortunate has happened to someone else or even something else, she sheds tears quite easily. (like when she was younger, the time that little boy squished the butterfly she was chasing…)

VERY Friendly…- Ana is very easy to make friends with! She loves people and is good at making them feel more comfortable (with her, or in an unfamiliar place). She does have an over-fondness for skinship though, and that make some people even more uncomfortable sometimes.

~Sweet ~ – she is very affectionate towards people that she cares for. Ana can be a little selfish sometimes, but it is because of ignorance and is never on purpose. She loves complimenting others on their achievements and encouraging people when they are down.

SpaZzY – Ana is easily excitable and you can frequently see her bouncing around and giggling because she cannot contain her “Feels.” She is very knowledgeable about kpop and is a part of many different fandoms. Even after becoming famous, after meeting and even becoming friends with some celebrities, she will still spazz and fangirl over them –not even caring if those people she is spazzing over is standing right in front of her!

Likes[At least 5.]

-  Skinship and doing fanservice

- Strawberry Ice Cream & Green Tea Ice Cream

- favorite color = white

- sleeping

- people

-windy days that blows her hair all over

- favorite animals = snakes, owls, & koalas


Dislikes[At least 5.]

- a messy dorm/room

- sitting still for extended amounts of time

- grasshoppers

- cats

- cutting her hair

-people who are easily offended/can’t take a joke

Habits[At least 3. Please detail as much as possible.]:

- Ana has a habit of crossing her arm, frowning, & puffing up her cheeks when she is thinking really hard.

- When she is super nervous, she starts shivering like a chihuahua

- She stars jumping up and down, flapping her hands, squealing, giggling, goofily grinning, covering , and putting her hand over her heart when she is extremely excited.

- She doesn’t make sounds when she cries.

Hobbies[At least 3.]:

- Reading manga & fanfics (shh!)

- Photography

- watching Korean dramas & American movies

- Photoshop (likes doing all that stuff you see on tumblr. For ex., edits, gifs, & photoshopping people’s heads onto someone or something else’s body…)

Trivia[At least 5]:

-  Has 5 younger siblings. 3 girls and 2 boys.

- Blind in her left eye. (shh! It’s a secret! She wears contacts to make it seem normal looking)

-has horrible eyesight and if she isn’t wearing contacts, she’ll always be wearing glasses.

- Can bake (cookies, cakes, etc.) really well, but burns anything that is put on the stove.

- Used to compete in ballroom dancing competitions.

- Has a promise ring from her parents that she wears all the time.

- has never cut her hair in the last 5 years other than short trims to keep it healthy. It is around hip-length.

Talents[At least 2]:

- playing the bass guitar

- dancing

- beatboxing


Character's Appearance

Ulzzang's Name [If not Ulzzang, tell me their name and where you found them]: Hana Reum Song Lee

Links [At least 3]:



Back-Up Ulzzang's Name [If not Ulzzang, tell me their name and where you found them]: Park Hyo Jin

Links [At least 3]:



Style[At least 2 links each]:

- Casual:



- Formal:



- Off-Day/Home:    

ICHI | NI | SAN                                                          


- Party/Club:

YI | ER | SAN | SI


- Practice:



- Swimwear:


(phew! That’s what took me so long. xP keke, but it was fun. )


Character's Background and Family

*Note: If something does not apply to your character, type N/A and explain why. 

Background[At least two to three paragraphs. The longer the better. Be creative~ ;D]:

Han Ana was born in Seoul, South Korea on a very, very warm day in summer. That might or might not have something to do with why she gets hot very easily. She is very sensitive to heat and has fainted a couple times due to “overheating” and dehydration. Her parents are a little overprotective of her for that reason and even her younger siblings worry about her more than they should. Her family has a very close, albeit very loud and chaotic, relationship and they get along really well together. There are many arguments, but they are all settled quite quickly.

Ana was also born blind in her left eye. She was teased for it when she was younger, but as she got older, she started wearing colored contacts to cover it up. Ana never thought of her partial blindness as a disability usually it wouldn’t impair her. However, there was occasions in which she’d be affected. For example, not seeing someone when they come up on her left side until they are almost in front of her (which sometimes poses problems when first learning group dance routines); those sort of situations.

Because Ana has 5 younger siblings, she is very good with children and she is very responsible. Her family wasn’t POOR, but they weren’t exactly rich either, so although Ana decided her dream to become an entertainer at quite a young age, she was not able to take any dance/vocal lessons. But she was able to take bass guitar lessons from a friend of hers. That didn’t stop her however, and so she practiced by herself, learning many different types of dances and singing techniques from youtube/the internet.  It wasn’t professional training, but it was better than nothing.

Ana further improved her dancing by street dancing. She used to street dance with a few of her friends, which is when she was scouted. Ana has a cute appearance and a baby-face, so when the company representative saw her dancing with so much passion & power, he very intrigued and asked her to join/audition for the company.

Family[ Name | Age | Occupation | Alive or Deceased? | A sentence or two about the character's and person's relationship]:

- Father: Han Jungki | 45 | Dentist | Alive | A very funny person! He does not talk a lot, but when he does, the whole family listens to what he says whether it’s funny or serious. Ana and her dad don’t talk together a lot, but they have a good relationship.

- Mother:  Jo Eunjae | 45 | Housewife | Alive | If Ana gets her quirkiness from her dad, she gets her friendliness from her mom. A very hospitable person, she loves people and is a very kind person. Ana and her mom have a great relationship but they haven’t been able to talk very much since Ana started training.

- Sibling(s) [Optional; may be an idol or someone famous; 2 idol siblings max.]:

…I have 5. Haha, do you really want all of them? xD ok then~~

Woobin & Yoobin | Twins | 14 | Male & Female | Alive | crazy, loud, rambunctious, hilarious. Could probably become a comedy duo if they tried.  Yoobin is the sibling Ana is closest to and they act like best friends. Ana likes to tease Woobin because he is her “baby brother.” She’ll also jump on his back whenever she can.

Ajung | 12 |  Female | Alive | sweet, quiet, patient. Ana & Ajung don’t talk too much, but they are on good terms.

Yuna | 9 | Female | Alive | Witty, cute, small for her age, but smart for her age. She adores Ana and Ana loves to spoil her and their youngest brother.

Woojung | 6 | Male | Alive | adorable, sweet, the baby of the family. Loves to snuggle with Ana, and although HE isn’t spoiled, his FAMILY loves to spoil him.


Other Family Members I Should Know About?:

Feng Huan | “Adopted” (not legally) Gege | 17 | An exchange student from China that stayed with the Han Family for 1 year. Funny, friendly, cares very much for his “siblings.” They all became quite close to him – Ana especially – and treat him as their son/older brother. He is back in China now, but he wants to visit them again soon. (*hint, hint* ^_~)


Character's Outside Relations

*Note: If something does not apply to your character, type N/A and explain why. 

Best Friend(s)[2 Max; Name and Group/Solo Artist or an OC friend.]:

Luhan | EXO

Their Personality[Short Description is fine.]:

Kind, soft-spoken, a good listener, adorable, and not afraid to play with Ana. (As in, not afraid to go and chase bubbles, get balloons, eat ice cream, play on the playground, etc.)

How You Two Met[Short Description is fine. Each meeting may be the same.]:

Luhan was friends with Feng Huan and they did the exchange program to Korea together. Ana became friends with Luhan through him/ Feng Huan went back to China after only 1 year, while Luhan stayed longer. They still keep in touch with Feng Huan and Luhan has been teaching Ana more Chinese so that they are able to communicate better.  

Anyone Else You Want To Be Friends But Not Best Friends With?[Optional; 2 Max; Name and Group/Solo Artist.]:

Tao | EXO

Changjo | Teen Top

Their Peronality[Optional; Short Description is fine.]:

Tao – Very cute, sensitive (gets scared and cries easily), and a little shy. May appear scary at first, but is really a very sweet person who is very affectionate to people that he cares for.

Changjo – mature for his age, smart, likes to tease people. Teases his hyungs, and likes to tease Ana by calling her noona even though they were born in the same year and she is only older by a few months. (she feels old when people besides her younger brothers call her noona)

How You Two Met[Optional; Short Desciption is fine. Each meeting may be the same.]:

Tao – through Luhan. Luhan brought Tao to practice Chinese with Ana once and they became good friends.

Changjo – through a fansign! Ana said something that made Changjo laugh very hard and because of that he found her very fun and interesting. They later bumped into each other afterwards when Changjo & his hyungs had a little free time and decided to go shopping at the mall where the fanmeet was help. Talked, walked, shopped, became fast friends.


Who Do You Want To End Up With? [Name and Group/Solo Artist; Pick 3. #1 being the idol you really want, #2 being your second choice, and #3 being your third choice]:

#1: Sehun | EXO

#2: Baekhyun | EXO

#3: Minwoo | Boyfriend

Their Personality[Short Description is fine. Do each choice]:

#1: Is a little shy, and may appear cold or angry at first. However, he actually has a lot of aegyo and surprisingly, he is very “touchy” (skinship) with the people he is comfortable with.  Sehun is awkward around girls and he didn’t get along with Ana at first because 1) she’s a girl. 2) she’s the kind of girl that he has no idea how to deal with. In other words, she’s confusing, spazzy, cute, over-friendly, sweet, etc. and he has no idea how to respond because most of the girls he encountered were either throwing themselves at him, or so nervous in his presence that barely anything is said between them.

#2: adorable greaseball. He’s not shy at all and is a very fun person to be around. Off-stage he is cute, friendly, cheesy, dorky little boy. He likes doing aegyo and isn’t afraid to embarrass himself. While performing, he is charismatic, fierce, and you can see that he is not really just a little boy, but a man. (oooh! I’m so corny! ><”)

#3: Minwoo is almost the opposite of Baekhyun. Although when he is dancing seriously he is strong and focused, he is otherwise on-stage, cute, cheeky, and bursting with aegyo. Off-stage, while he does maintain his cute image, he has a more masculine personality. He likes doing things in his own power and likes being able to protect those he cares for. He does get hyper easily though.

How You Two Met[Short Description is fine. Do each choice. Each meeting may be the same.]:

#1: Through EXO. Sehun & Luhan are also best friends. So, on Tao’s birthday (after his & Luhan’s fanmeet+birthday party), they had another little party with just their friends. They invited EXO, Ana, and a few other close friends. She had only met a few other members of EXO up till that point, so that was the first time they had ever seen each other.

#2: Same as Sehun. Although Baekhyun & Luhan aren’t best friends, they are still pretty close.

#3: After The Dreamers debut, Ana & Minwoo met at M!Countdown when The Dreamers went around to greet all the sunbaes.

How Was Your Relationship At First?[One-Sided, Love at first sight, Love/Hate as in Rivals, Childhood Love, ETC.Do each choice]:

#1: Like-Dislike. Ana liked him (like as in “potential-friend” like), but Sehun found her a little disturbing/confusing at first.

#2: Friends. They both didn’t realize that they might have bigger feelings than that.

#3: One-Sided. Ana had been a fan of Boyfriend and her bias was Minwoo. After meeting him in real life and getting to know him better, she started to like him even more-- more than just the feelings of a fan towards her bias. But Minwoo thought she was just a friend and a fan.


Rival(s)[Name and Group/Solo Artist; Reason for being Rivals. Pick 2. #1 being the person you want. #2 being your second choice.]:

#1: Sunhwa | Secret| they used to go to school together. Sunhwa is the one who used to tease Ana about being blind. (which means Sunhwa knows her secret)

#2: Dasom | SISTAR | heehee, can I say same? If not, then they both liked the same person.


Any Past Relationships?[If yes, fill in following. If no, N/A.]

Name and Group/Solo Artist: Yoseob/Beast

Reason(s) For The Break-Up: They were never really together. Ana used to like him, but never could tell him. One day, HE confessed to HER, and although she was ecstatic, she replied that she needed time to think about it. He agreed, but she saw him later that same day confessing to another girl.

Your Relationship With That Person Now?: She has been avoiding him. She politely refused his confession, but Yoseob never knew that it was because she had saw him confess to that other girl.


Musical Profile

Stage Name: AnAn

Position [Please refer to the second chapter for the positions; I will choose the maknae and leader.]: Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist

Persona: Fans’ Fangirl (meaning: although SHE has fans, she is still a fangirl herself. Also, she loves her fans – even more so than a normal idol – and she’ll become very excited and fangirly when she gets a chance to meet them. Hence, she’s also a fan[girl] of her fans.)

FanClub Name: PlayMates

FanClub Color: white

Something That Represents Your FanClub[Necklace, Plush, Charm, Sign, or ETC; Link.]: Plush-Charm...thingy... CLICK!


How Were You Discovered By MusicBeatz?:  Street Dancing.

How Many Years Have You Trained With MusicBeatz?: 3 years.

Have You Been A Trainee With Another Company?[If yes, name of company, for how long, and reason for leaving.]: No.

How Many Years Of Traning Total?: 3


Proof [At least 2 links for each one that applies to your character. If it doesn't apply, N/A.]

- Vocals: ONE | TWO

- Dance: HANA | DUL | SET (the one that you can see her tummy. Keke. xD)

- Rap: N/A

- Acting [Commerials, Cameo, ETC.]: Appeared in B1A4's Only Learned The Bad Things & Teen Top's Crazy





Extra Information That You Couldn't Put Anywhere Else [Plastic Surgery, Past jobs(o.O?), ETC]: N/A

Comments About This Story: Oh goshness dongsaengie, I’m sorry I took so long. OTL haha, this is a long app. xD I wish you the best of luck in writing the story and picking apps! <3

Password: LOLOL~ Jokes. >:b There's no password. :3


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