Lemon Angels 레몬 천사 [application form]


Lemon Angels App Form 



Everything about you!

AFF Username: sweetcandy13

AFF Link: Here I Am!!!

What should I call ya?: Kimmy :3

Character Information!

Name: Stacy Lee 리 스테이시

Nickname: Stace, Cy (C)

Age: 15

Birthdate: January 19th, 1997

Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA

Hometown: Beijing, China

Ethnicity: Korean - Chinese

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Blood Type: A

Languages: English (mastered), Mandarin (mastered), Fukien (speaking), Japanese (basics), French (basics), Korean (mastered)

Character Background: She is a girl from a wealthy family, but when her father died everything changed. She had to work part time even though she has classes.

The Inner You!

Personality: She is a cold-hearted, shy, quiet type of girl. She doesn't usually talk to anyone, she talks when needed to.

Her aura is quite cold, but when you get to meet her, she is really funny, outgoing, and cheerful.

When she's on stage, she is always perfect and the best.

She can also be bubbly at times, the times when she eats chocolates and sees cute things.

She is also very respectful to older people.

Likes: fashion, dancing, photography, food (esp. sweets), singing, acting, baking, sleeping, blogging, cute things

Dislikes: people doing aegyo, messy things, green food, people trying to get on her way, people touching her things without permission, flirting, cocky guys, mean people, flowers (allergic)

Habits: pouts in her sleep, shooting glares at anyone, bites her lower lip when uneasy, she sits in a corner when she's mad, she doesn't talk if she's angry

Hobbies: dancing, listening to music, shopping, strolling in the park, eating

Trivia: her room is always organized, her clothes in her closet are arranged by color, she is also very athletic,

has lots of gadgets, she loves the band SHINee and INFINITE, she also have packs of dried mangoes in her cabinet,

she has a water phobia and thunder/lightning phobia, also allergic to flowers

Phobias/Fears: water phobia, lightning/thunder phobia

How do you look?

Ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye

Picture Links: [V] [E] [N] [U] [S]

Back-up Ulzzang: Park Seul Ki

Picture Links: [1] [2] [3]

Style: casual and rocker chic



Family Background: They were rich when her father was still alive, but when he died, she had to work part time at the evening while taking her classes in the morning. Since her mother is out of the country, she was all alone.


Lee Huang Xin | 35 | businessman | Father | deceased Father | Chinese

Choi Min Jae | 30 | Fashion Designer | Mother | Korean

Siblings: none

Relatives: Lee Sungyeol | 21 | cousin


Friends: No Minwoo | 16 | BOYFRIEND | childhood friends

Rivals: none at the moment

Love Interest : Teen Top ||  Ljoe

Back-up: GOT7 || Mark Tuan

How did you two meet?: they met at the coffee shop she worked at, when she accidently tripped, then she stained coffee in his shirt :))

She doesn't know that he is an idol.



  How did you get in?: scouted, she was walking in the mall with her best friend, when a talent scout dragged her and said she has potential.

Trainee Life: She is very hardworking among others, she respects her elder.

No. of Years of being a trainee: 1 year

Experience: acted in Dream High (cameo), CF's, MV's and modeled



Singing Links:

Ailee - Heaven

IU - Good Day

Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway

Dance Links:

Jay Park - Know Your Name Dance Cover

SHINee - Sherlock Dance Cover

Teen Top - No More Perfume On You Dance Cover

Rap Links: - - -


On Stage: 

Stage Name: Ace

Position in Group: Lead Dancer and Main Vocalist

Back-up Position: Main Vocalist and Sub Dancer

Persona: Ice Princess

Fanclub name: Acist 

Fanclub Color: Silver

  Before I go!

Any requested scenes?: nope! ^^~~

Have you subscribed?: yesh! :3

Any Last Words?: thank you! hope I get picked and good luck :D

Password: girlshaveFUN


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