Top Ten~~~!!!

Once again, Credits go to Seunii and SuJuLoverr



1. Are you single - Yep

2. Are you happy - Neutral,

3. Are you bored - Hmmm. Yes.

4. Are you white - Asian.

5. Are you Italian - Asian.

6. Are you intelligent - Not really. Average i guess.

7. Are you honest - Depending.

8. Are you nice - YES! Am I? haha(:

9. Are you Irish - Asian.

10. Are you Asian - YEP(:




1. Full Name  - Ling Joelle. (L.joe LOL)

2. Nicknames - Joe.

3. Birth place - Spore.

4. Hair color - Close to black.

5. Natural hair style - slightly curled at the ends.

6. Currently living at - Spore

7. Birthday - 21/02

8. Mood - tired and lazy. most of the time.

9. Favorite color - Purple.

10. One Place you'd like to visit- Europe and Canada. Can't pick.




1. Have you ever been in love - Infactuations come somtimes.

2. Do you believe in love at first sight - Yes, it may happen. But i doubt it'll happen to me.

3. Do you currently have a crush? - Yes, but i'm not gonna mention. X:

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Not that bad but yes.

5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - No.

6. Have you ever had your heart broken - Nope.

7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Yes. Infactuations pass.

8. Are you afraid of commitment – Nope, if i really love that person.

9. Who was the last person you hugged – My Bestie(:

10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? – My mom. LOL




1. Love or lust - Love

2. Hard liquor or beer - None. I prefer wine. LOL

3. Cats or dogs - DOGS~

4. A few best friends or any regular friends - Few besties.

5. Creamy or Crunchy - Crunchy

6. Pencil or Pen - BOTH.

7. Wild night out or romantic night in – hmmm. none.

8. Money or Happiness - Happiness. Money is just materialistic.

9. Night or day - Night.

10. IM or phone - hmnnn.




1. Been caught sneaking out – Nope.

2. Seen a polar bear- Yes, at the zoo! Lol

3. Done something you regret - Obvious.

4. Bungee jumped – No. I'm too lazyy/

5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - At home, yes. Outside, no..

6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - YESSSSSSSSSSSS.

7. Been caught - No!

8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back – Too young for that.

9. Cried because you lost a pet – Yes. My hamster. )':

10. Wanted to disappear - Yeah.




1. Smile or eyes – Eyes.

2. Light or dark hair - Light hair.

3. Hugs or kisses - Hugs, for now.

4. Shorter or taller - Taller.

5. Intelligence or attraction - Intelligence,

6. Hot Topic or Hollister - I don't really want to say.

7. Funny or serious – Funny.

8. Older or Younger - I'm okay. But rather older.

9. Outgoing or quiet – outgoing

10. Sweet or Bad - Mostly sweet.




1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd – Yes.

2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour – YES, a lot.

3. Ever tried walking on your hands – No. I'm lazyy/

4. Ever been to a rock concert - I want to!

5. Ever been on a cheerleading team? – No.

6. Ever went skinny dipping? - no.

7. Ever been on a blind date – No

8. Ever went ice skating – No. Lazyy/

9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - I want one, when i grow up.

10. Ever been in a circus? – I wanna go~




1. Go bungee jumping or cliff diving? - Bungee Jumping

2. Watch a Horror Film or a Chic Flick? – Chick Flick.

3. Go to Hawaii or Aspen? – Hawaii~

4. Play spin the bottle or truth or dare? - Truth than dare.

5. Cheat or be caught cheating?- Cheat, only if i dont have the choice.

6. Read or watch? - Watch

7. Text or Call? - Call

8. Sing a Rebecca Black Song or a Justin Bieber Song? -  FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY~

9. Quiet and Happy or Loud but Hurting? – the first.

10. Go to facebook or tumblr? - Tumblr.




1. I am hyper but lazy at the same time.

2. I'm weird. Maybe a bit of a spilt personality. haha, bipolar.

3. I'm random. sometimes.

4. I have a very normal life.

5. I wanna be a billionaire so freaking bad~

6. I self learn a lot of stuff...

7. I feel like eating string cheese now.

8. I envy a lot of people. I don't have much talent it seems

9. As you can see, i'm very pessimistic. ): (: bipolar face :):

10. I act super cold sometimes, like they reveal something shocking i remain te same. It just doesn't surprise me that much :/


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