Answers and Questions!^^

I was tagged by:



rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!

ONE | Name two of your hobbies.

Dancing! and listening to music! :D

TWO | Name three of your favourite k-pop couples and why?

Baekren (because they are sooooo freaking cute!!!! XD)

Eunhae (because they simply belong to each other :D)

2Min (they were the first couple I ever shipped so it's obvious)


THREE | What do you treasure the most?

My friendships! So freaking important!^^ And my two cats  <3 And my family of course :D

FOUR | Is there anything you don't like about me? If so, why?

You sometimes write lol. Well, I just don't feel any emotion when you write it XD I know it's stupid :D But there is nothing else which I would complain about you.

FIVE | Favourite kind of desert?

That's hard...I guess chocolate cake o.o

SIX | Which is your favourite K-pop band?

Man, that's really not easy. Can I choose two? Then it would be NU'EST and Boyfriend^^ If I really had to choose then it would be NU'EST at the moment :D

SEVEN | Who is your all-time bias and why?

Mhh...I guess Taemin from Shinee. He was my first bias ever XD

EIGHT | Which is your least favourite K-pop band and why?

Chocolat! I don't like the fact that all you see there is this Tia -.-

NINE | Which band is your favourite that ISN'T a K-pop band?

Green Day and Rise Against^^ I can't decide Xd

TEN | Your favourite colour and why?

Blue, because it's relaxing to me :)

ELEVEN | What was your first impression of me?

I thought, "What a nice girl! Hope I can be friends with her!"

My Questions:


One What's your favourite K-Pop band?

Two*What is you favourite not-K-Pop band? (I know that's no correct grammar XD)

Three*Do you dislike something about me? If yes, Why?

Four*What is your favourite colour? Wow, I'm very creative, right? -.-

Five*Which is your least favourite K-pop band and why?

Six*Favourite dish?

Seven*What was your first impression of me?

Eight*What would you do if you would win 1 Million Dollar?

Nine*Name your Hobbies!

Ten*Is there any K-Pop group you dislike?

Eleven*What are your favourite school subjects?





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One thing, you forgot to answer my questions. lol
I tagged you too.
I will go answer your questions later today, don't have enough time right now.