Lemon Angels 레몬 천사 Application Form


Lemon Angels App Form 



Everything about you!

AFF Username: dumplingcheeks_

AFF Link: click me.

What should I call ya?: Lee


Character Information!

Name: Moon Ju Hee

Nickname: Joo, Joomun (a play of the word 'Jumun')

Age: 21

Birthdate: 23/05/1991

Birthplace: Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Hometown: Gangnam-gu, Seoul.

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 170cm

Weight: 49kg

Blood Type: B

Languages: Fluent in both Korean and English. Chinese; conversational (She was required to take Chinese in SIS)

Character Background: 

Joo spent the first few years of studying in Gangnam. When she was seven years old, Joo transferred schools and moved to Seoul International School (SIS). That was when she started loving English very much and it was also where she decided that she actually loved performing. Joo was a part of SIS's Concert Choir and the Ladies Choir club.


The Inner You!


Do not let her appearance fool you. Joo may seem very innocent and captivating but her personality begs to differ. Narcissitic, extravertive and witty are commonly the words that are used to describe her. Joo is known for being the anchor that keeps everyone grounded with humanity and keep their feet planted firmly on the ground. In a sense, she is a boundless anchor. Joo has an endless loyalty to those who she regards as important. At times, this trait of hers usually gets her in trouble: she can never say no to people. Due to this as well, Joo is often taken advantage of but Joo merely takes it in with an open-heart mainly because she believes that life threw bad things happen to her for a reason - that is to test her patience. Due to these, Joo is as patient as Job, or so they say.

Despite not being able to say 'no' to people, Joo simply does not let people walk all over her. She is someone who can and will stand up for what she believes in. Joo's decisions cannot be faltered easily mainly because when she believes in something, she will put her whole heart in to it. For example,  when someone says that men are better than women, Joo would simply defend that men and women co-exist to compliment each other's lifes. Basically, she is stubborn with her views but Joo is always open to new ideas.

Growing up, Joo was always taught by her parents to be frank and to always tell people what she has in her mind. Hence, Joo has developed the tendency to be brutally frank in nearly everything. She always has to put her two cents in every little thing. Due to this, people often call her narcissitic. To be truth, when Joo does that, she always has her friends' best interests in her mind. This always gets her in trouble; it makes her come off as rather harsh and an off-putting person. Though now that Joo is slightly older and more mature, she has learn when to put her two cents in and when not to, i.e. she starts to subtly imply things and would often leave her sentences hanging and up for interpretation. One main thing that you must never ask Joo is advice. She is an awful advice-giver! Tell her to give you a prep talk or some boring history talk, that she can do but she gives the most awful advices ever: she can never sugarcoat the truth but if you like sugarfree words, you are more than welcomed to talk to Joo.

Most of the time, Joo is a rather well-mannered girl. She has her times when she would actually let the crazy side of her emerge but they only emerge under the influence of chocolate and lemon tea. Joo is a wonderful friend; she will not hesitate to drop everything that she is doing whenever you needd her to be with you. But another thing you should be well aware of, Joo gets really cranky and y when she is near her time of the month. Nearly evey little thing pisses her off and being the perfectionist that she is, that means more work for the rest of her friends! But that does not mean she is always cranky and y, at times she becomes very sensitive and would often shed tears, even when she is just listening to a sad song. Joo knows her weaknesses and flaws very well and strives to improve herself better. In short, Joo is just Joo. There are never enough words to fully describe how she is.


  • Lemon tea; it's her favourite drink
  • Peaches; she is obsessed with this fruit!
  • Stitch, from Lilo & Stitch; she's an avid fan
  • Polaroid pictures; she enjoys collecting them and putting it up on her walls
  • Sticky candies; the only candy she is willing to eat
  • Green apples; it's the smell of her shampoo
  • Children; due to the fact that she is an only child, she loves being around children


  • bugs and insects in general; they really creep her out
  • The aftertaste of coffee
  • the smell of cheese; there's just something about cheese that makes her want to puke
  • Getting migraines
  • Inconsistent weather; it makes her get migraines (for example, one minute it's hot, then the next it's cold, etc)
  • Getting less than 3 hours of sleep


  • Updating her social network accounts; twitter, me2day, cyworld
  • Grocery shopping
  • taking pictures with people
  • Watching Lilo & Stitch on YouTube
  • Baking desserts
  • Going online to read about news/gossips about her group


  • When Joo gets really angry, she would often keep quiet, opting to stay silent instead of scolding someone
  • Touching the back of her neck when she is nervous
  • She needs her Stitch plushie to have a good sleep
  • When Joo sees little kids, she will always approach them, ask about them and make cute faces at little kids
  • Always carries her iTouch/iPhone with her, all the time


  • Joo is a big fan of DBSK+JYJ and is Junsu-biased
  • She can do Zelo's LTE rap with ease
  • Her twitter DP is a picture of her and a big Stitch doll
  • Her current ringtone is B.A.P's Power
  • Besides loving Stitch, Joo is obsessed with the number '13' - she sees it as a sign of good luck
  • Her ideal man is someone who has a really adorable smile, overall good-looking and has a wonderful personality
  • Her favourite couple in the music industry is Tiger JK and Yoon Mirae


Joo has developed insectophobia. If the insects are near her, she will still be fine, though she will be slightly jumpy. Joo would be scared stiff if the bugs/insects are on her. She really hates that sensation of having something crawling all over your skin and the lingering feeling of those insects on her.


How do you look?

Ulzzang: Park Sora

Picture Links: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

Back-up Ulzzang: Kwon Su Jeong

Picture Links: [x] [x] [x]


casual; [x][x][x][x]
hipster; [x][x][x][x]
prairie; [x][x][x][x]



Family Background:

Joo was born into a rather well-off family but she was not, by any means, rich. Her step-father was a rather successful business man, owning a few beauty spa in the country and her mother was a former swimmer. Unlike her family, Joo was much more interested in performing and music and unknowingly dreamed of becoming a singer. As a little girl, Joo caused a lot of fist-clenching. She grew up without knowing who her real father was (mainly because her mother left him before she was even born) and it somewhat bothers her that her mother never wanted to talk about him. Being raised by a businessman and a former swimmer, Joo has inherited the competitive streak. Due to this, she was able to overcome all the practices she had to endure when she joined SIS's Concert Choir and Ladies' Choir club.


Moon Dae Hyun | 52 | Businessman | Step-father | Alive

Ok Sun Young | 48 | Former swimmer / Full-time housewife | Mother | Alive

Siblings: Joo is an only child.

Relatives: Ok Taecyeon | 23 | 2PM

Friends: Baby Soul (Hasn't debut yet) | 20

Rivals: Hyuna | 20 | 4Minute

What are you fighting for?:

At first, it started off with small little fights; over clothes, over friends, etc. It then moved to the bigger things; over fame, over money, over music - they are friends who love to hate on each other. It's a really weird relationship between these two. They don't see each other as best friends but they can be decent to each other. They have never voiced out their dislikes towards each other but you know what they say; action speaks louder than words!

Were you friends before?: Yes, they were.

Love Interest : Lu Han, 22, Exo-M

Back-up: Bang Yong Guk, 22, B.A.P

How did you two meet?: She didn't actually get to meet Luhan in person. That's mainly because Luhan was in placed in a different team. But she has heard a lot about Luhan and how 'hot' he was. She finally put a face to the name when EXO debuted. Instead of seeing Luhan as hot, she keeps on saying that he has a baby-face and she would love to play with his cheeks. They officially met when they (both groups!) had to perform on the same music show and Lemon Angels had to perform after EXO.



  How did you get in?:

Joo was actually scouted by a casting agent from SM Entertainment, who recommended her to audition for the company's annual S.M. Casting System. During her audition, Joo sang Whitney Houston's song - Greatest Love of All.

Trainee Life:

Life as a trainee was exhilarating for Joo. Though she had to go through a lot of practices and scolding, she was doing what she loved. Not only that, due to her competitive streak, she endured everything that was thrown to her. Joo often gets scolded by her dance instructor, mainly because even though Joo can dance, she always loses her rhythm and beats.

No. of Years of being a trainee: 5 years - 3 years under SM and 2 years under TS.

Experience: She appeared in Super Junior's Happiness MV and SHINee's Japanese version of Juliette as an extra. Joo also had a cameo in Super Junior's first movie.



Singing Links: [x] [x] [x] [x]

Dance Links: [x] [x] [x]

Rap Links: [x] [x] [x


On Stage: 

Stage Name: Joo

Position in Group: Lead Vocalist & Sub Rapper

Back-up Position: Lead Rapper & Sub Vocalist

Persona: Part-time Spellcaster; her nickname 'Joomun/Jumun' came because when she is on stage, Joo turns into this charismatic woman that seems to put a spell over the audiences. It also came because when Mirotic came out, she would not stop singing the song. Jumun means spell.

Fanclub name: Seirios; it means glowing or scorcher - it's because she is a spell-caster

Fanclub Color: Golden rod


  Before I go!

Any requested scenes?:

Just one; when both Lemon Angels and EXO are on a variety show together, the fans are told to vote who should be paired up together and fortunately for her, Joo gets partnered up with Luhan. Earlier before they were on the show, the producers had already asked the fans to tweet in suggestions of what they want the partners to do. Luhan and Joo happened to get a 'mission' - to take a 3-shot aegyo pictures together and to personally hand the picture to the fan that requested it. We all know how 'awkward' Luhan gets when he has to do aegyo so it took them a while to do it, which brought them closer.

Have you subscribed?: Yes.

Any Last Words?: Nope; all the best for your story! May you have a lot of applicants!

Password: girlshaveFUN


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