The REAL You~

#Username: supergenerationrocks

#Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/63054

Extra Information:-


Your OC General Information~

#Full Name: Park Sung Rin/ Vanessa Hewitt

Nickname: Nessa, Nessa-Umma

#DOB: 27/01/1991

#Birth Place: London

#Ethnicity: Half Japanese and Half Caucasian

#Languages: English, French, Japanese

#Height: 167 cm

#Weight: 48 kg



#Ulzzang Name: Misa Campo

#Ulzzang Pictures:






#Back Up Ulzzang Name:

# Back Up Ulzzang Pictures: [Links, 3-6 HQ Pics]

Description Of How You Dress: very classy and elegant, love to wear coat

#Did You Have Plastic Surgery: nope


About Yourself~

#Personalilty: Park Sung Rin or Vanessa is known for her 'something in between' unique character. She is y yet innocent. She is mature yet very childish. She always believes that both female and male need to be treated equally. She hates it when people look down on her just because she's a girl. She cares about her friends and taking care who are younger than her. It's easier for her to make friends with boys than girls, that's why most people especially girls thinks that she's a seducer. But truthfully, she thinks that boys are easier to accept her open-minded thought. Not a party girl. If something's not going her way, she can be very y and will crush anything or anyone who stands in her way.

#Likes: spicy food, fruits, vegetables, reading, swimming, sleeping, dogs

#Dislikes: too-sweet food, arrogant people, people with no manners, dirty room

#Habits: clapping when happy, jumping around when nervous, got really qiuet when worry

#Background History: Vanessa was born in a strong and independent family. Actually, you can said that she has money alright. Her father came from old-money, who runs a hotel company, while her mother is a professor in Oxford University. That's why her parents always said that 'Education is the soul of the living'. But when she was thirteen, she felt that her life was so plain, trying to be the perfect doll everyone wanted her to be. She's sick and tired of everything. That's when she realised that she found happiness in music, especially in singing and dancing. She dig inside herself and something awake inside her. Yes, she wants to be in the music industry. When she told her parents about her dream, they strictly forbid her. Her parents wanted her to be a lawyer and to be married with a decent guy, but that's not what she wants. She wants to run her own life to be what she wants to be. Fortunately her loving grand father understand her and talked to her parents. Finally, after a long arguments, her parents agree with one condition. If everything didn't turn out well, she had to go back home and continue her study. With a light feeling, she searched for anything that invlves music and found an auditon from YGEntertainmenr. She decided to have an audition and ready to catch her dream. Park Sung Rin was a name that given to her by YG-Appa himself and Seungri-Oppa. They said that she needs a Korean name to be able to catch the Korean market.


  • doesn't scare of ghost, cuz she can see one
  • doesn't like men who smoke
  • good at doing house chores
  • loves to study but can play computer game very well
  • loves red
  • can't do aegyo, it'll always end up awkward
  • loves to show affection to all her dongsaengs and oppas
  • allergic to coffee
  • strawberry and grapes are her favorites fruits
  • needs to have some alone time or she'll get y
  • enjoying thriller movie



#Father: Anton Hewitt 04/07/1960 very discipline, caring

Mother: Takahashi Michiko 27/02/1966 very-organized, neat, caring

Siblings: none

Other Relatives: none


Social Life~

#Friend(s): too many too mention.. 

1. Noona-Dongsaeng Relationship:Ren and Minhyun (these two always fight to be the her favorite)

2. Oppa-Dongsaeng Relationship : Chansung-Oppa, Seulong Oppa, Jay Oppa, Nickhun Oppa, Taecyeon Oppa

                                                                 Seungri Oppa, Taeyang Oppa, Yunho Oppa, and Yoochun Oppa

Boyfriend(s): nope


Current Crushes: nope.. (but there's a gossp that Seungri has a thing for her)

Any Scene Requests: it's up to the author-nim, but please so't be so cheesy


Idol Life~

#How Long Have You Been A Trainee: 3years

#Trainee Life:   She was really fast in learning new songs or new dance. No one dared to approach her back nin trainee days because of her snob look, and tough glare. Very close to Big Bang oppas.

#How Were You Found: audition

#Stage Name: y V

#Persona: The Double S (y 'n Sassy)

#Group Position: lead vocalist n sub rapper

#Own Fanclub Name: Vtastic

#Own Fanclub Colour: red and gold

Any Idol Trivia: nope


About This Fanfic~

What Do You Think About This: this is my first time joining things like this so........

Does This Need Improvements: uhm..not really

Album and/or Song Suggestions: Try To HOld Us Down, The Daredevils

#Password: I DARE YOU~

Anything Else: hope you pick me. Thank you


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