Abt Ur Luv - The Happy-Go-Lucky Gal


Abt Ur Luv ♥ App Form 




Everything about you!


AFF Username: aNyssa

AFF Link: aNyssa

What should I call ya?:anys

Character: The Happy-Go-Lucky Gal


Character Information!

Name: Anneasse Park

Nickname: Anne

Age: 17

Birthdate: 10.13

Birthplace:Manhattan,New York



Height: 165 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Blood Type:A

Languages: Korean(fluent),English(fluent)


The Inner You!


Personality: Adorable is the best word to describe Anneasse.Her childish personality and petite stature make her she's the most adorable girl you probably ever met.She has this naturally cute personality not something that is force and or faked.

This petite girl is full of energy,always bright and cheerful.No day is a boring day when Anneasse is around,she is always trying to crack people up with her jokes.She and her crazy antics can always brighten your day,there's no ending to her brightness.
An optimist person,her motto is " Where there is a will,there is a way " .She isn't someone who gave up easily until she achieve her goals.She believes that you will had what you want if you try hard.Whenever she feels down or had an obstacle she would immeadiately remeber this motto and would start anew.She also often quote this saying to her friends when they are down.
Annease is a really competitive and she surely hates losing.She would not stop trying until she had what she want,this make many people mistaken her as a egoistiscal person.Little Anne also has this problem where she wont take no as an anwer ,she want everything and everyone to go her way.However no harm is intended.


 Eventhough Anneasse is only 17 years old she had a memory of a 71 years old as she is quite forgetful.Always forgetting where she outs her things and what words she was trying to say.But this bad traits of her make she isnt someone to hold grudge or wrath.














-Sour Stuff




-reading fanfic



-Taking picture of surrouding



-Twirling her hair

-Play with her finger

-Curse under breathe


-she likes to watch Vampire Diaries,Terranova,Alcatraz and Glee.

-she likes singing when nobody not around as she is shy about her singing skill

-she likes to read quotes to help her know more saying to cheer up people

-likes to wear contacts lens

-likes iced water 

-likes to merong a lot





How do you look?

Ulzzang:Do Hwe Ji

Picture Links: Ppuing Ppuing Ppuing Ppuing Ppuing

Back-up Ulzzang:Park Sul Ki

Picture Links: Cute Aegyo Queen

Style: Casual Casual Casual Casual


Your Beloved Family!

Family Background:Annease came from a wealthy family but they aren't like the typical wealthy family where she doesn't even spoken much with her parents.Eventhough they won't being around as much as other's parents but they try to balance their business affair and their family.Annease have a normal childhood life but she is rather a spoilt girl when she is younger as they are only three child.Being the one with asthma and pulmonia when she is a child,she is rather taken care more than other.

Parents:Im Hana||41||Fashion Company CEO||Mother||Alive

                  Park Jisun||42||Hotel and alcohol company owner||Alive

Siblings: Park Beatrice ||19||Literature course student||Sister||Alive

                   Park Damon||16||Sport school student||Brother||Alive

Relatives: Kim Myung Soo,cousin,20


School Girl!


Rivals: Jiyeon||17||T-ara

What are you fighting for?: Fame,Love

Anneasse was once Jiyeon best friend but after Anneasse was choosen as a cheerleader and she wasn't,she felt jealous and accused Anneasse betrayed her and broke off their friendship.Jiyeon know all along that she secretly like Chen but to annoyed Anneasse,she try to flirt Chen and they became a couple.She only act lovey dovey with Chen when Anneasse is around but when she not,she didn't give any attention towards Chen.

Were you friends before?:Yes

Any clubs you joined?:Cheerleader

Best Subject:Music,English

Worst / Failing Subject:Biology


Love is in the Air...

Love Interest :Chen Exo-M

Back-up:Luhan Exo-M

How did you two meet?:She likes to take picture and one day she go on a walk to the park.She was so deep in her photography that she didn't notice she is near the water fountain.She was about to fall in it if Chen didn't caught her.Since that,he will smile at her if they meet at the hall or corridor.Chen is also a rugby player that they'll meet almost everyday as she is a cheerleader.

Where did you two meet?:Park

Are you two close?:No

Love Machine: I like her,he like Jiyeon


Before I go!

Any requested scenes?:Kiss when it's rain

Have you subscribed?:Yes,of course

Any Last Words?:Hope you'll like it.^_~

Password: heartsforEXO


When It's All About Ur Luvyou'll do anything just for him... 


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