EXO'S Maid At Your Service! Application form


Application Form ♥

AFF Life ♥

AFF Username : dumplingcheeks_

Profile Link : here!


Basic Information ♥

Name : Jang Ji-ah

Nickname(s) :  Jia

Age : 20

Birth date : 13/09/1991

Birth place : Vancouver, Canada

Hometown : Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea

Nationality : Half Korean-Half Chinese

Height : 170cm

Weight : 49kg


About you ♥

Description/Personality : 

She is a worrier; the person who always wants to prepare for the worst. She is not necessarily pessimistic - merely a realist, but she just likes preparing things for the future. Jia is the type of girl that thinks if something is going to go wrong, something will go wrong. Though Jia would always try her best to avoid things from going wrong. She always go into things fully prepared with plan B, C and D in her back pocket. When you hear the adage "10% of the people do 90% of the work," that's Jia.

Being the eldest in the family, she is seen as ‘the voice of reason’ or ‘the voice of experience’. Her siblings look up to her because of how she keeps all of their feet planted firmly on the ground. While her warnings and suggestions of imminent calamity are rarely necessary, Jia always have everyone’s best interests in her heart.

Life without Jia would be hard – though at first you might find her a tad bit overbearing. Jia is like a boundless anchor to most of her friends; she keeps them from over-committing or getting caught by some embarrassingly obvious complication. Hence, her friends like to call her whenever they are in trouble. The downside about Jia is that, she can never say no to people, no matter what. It’s the maternal instinct in her. 

Just like any other girls, Jia can get angry easily, especially when people push her away. Jia is stubborn and when she believes that she is right, she will never falter with her decision. Though most of the time, she keeps all her emotions at bay. In short, Jia is a wonderful friend, although her attitude can at times be overbearing, but she is nonetheless a well-mannered girl.

Other aspects : 

  • She's not afraid to use skinship
  • Her blood  type is B
  • She hates eating cheese
  • Chocolates are her guilty pleasures
  • Baking
  • She dislikes getting less than 3 hours of sleep
  • Her ideal man is someone who is taller than her, has a nice smile and perhaps overall is a pretty boy? hmm.
  • She has a dog in which she named as Keys, after Alicia Keys
  • She has a collection of Stitch dolls




Habits :

  • Sleeps on one side only
  • making sure everything is okay
  • When Jia gets mad, she will be really quiet instead of talking someone's ears off
  • Jia has the tendency to touch the back of her neck when she feels nervous
  • When she gets stressed, Jia would usually play a game or solve a Rubik's cube

Talents :

  • Being a mother to her friends
  • Gives the best massages ever

Your past :

Jia is the oldest in the family. She was not born into a wealthy family so her parents had to work a lot to support the whole family. So much so, they started not to be around a lot. Knowing how hard it was for her parents, Jia stepped in and became both the mother and the father for her siblings. Though her parents might not always be around, when they are around, the whole family would have a really great time (under Jia's super watchful eyes!). Her parents might not know what her siblings like and dislike but for a day (or whenever her parents are around), all of those are set aside. Her parents are somewhat sad that they could not be around a lot but Jia understands the responsibilities that they carry and helps them out whenever she can.


Relationships ♥

Parents : 

Jang Hyunoo | 56 | Father | Assistant Teacher

Zhang Xin Yi | 49 | Mother | Regular office worker

Siblings :

Jang SungWoo | 16 | Little brother | Student
Jang MinHye | 13 | Little sister | Student
Jang Ha Yi | 9 | Little sister | Student
Jang Ahreum | 5 | Student

Friends :

Kim Michelle | 19 | Best friend

Enemies/Rivals : none :)

Lover / Crush / Master :

  • Lu Han
  • Chen 
  • Lay

First meeting : They were supposed to go out of the dorm to get to know each other better but Jia, being the girl that she is, decided to just cook something for the both of them. Lu Han didn't know how to respond to that at first but decided to follow her 'orders'. They had a rather awkward lunch, mainly because LuHan doesn't know how to act around her and Jia is flustered by how beautiful Luhan is. Then Jia decided to break the ice by asking Luhan what desserts he liked to eat and they bonded over desserts! At first, Luhan felt like she was trying too hard but then he realized that Jia was always like that when she began giving their leftover foods to the filming crew.

Love problems? : nope :)


Your face ♥

Name : Park Sora

Links : [x] [x] [x] [x]

Name : Lee Eun Hye [x] [x] [x] [x]

Other information ♥

Requests : Lu Han (or any of her love interests) tries to help her out with baking but it turned out to be a disaster.... a food fight.


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