Review for kpopluvr18 : Learning to Trust

Customer: kpopluvr18

Order: Learning to Trust Review

Toppings: thederpchanyeol


-Title- 3/5

I can't say that it's catchy. It's not something I'll immediately read after reading the title.

-Foreword/Description- 9/10

Too short, that's it. But it's really effective on giving readers the excitement. Hmm... There's nothing wrong with the grammar so, good job!

-Appearance- -/10


-Characters- 8/10

I'm pretty impressed with how you built Yunji's character. Even Woohyun's, Hoya's and Jieun's. Good job with the characterization part!:))

-Plot- 9/10

I like the plot, the idea that it ended... good, but not good at the same time. I thought Yunji will end up with Woohyun. But it turned out that she came to love Hoya back. A sad story, but really nice.

-Originality- 10/10

Really original. I loved how you worked with this one-shot. Stories based from first-hand experiences, most of them, are original. So, good job.

-Grammar- 19/20

I don't have any problem with your grammar and spelling. I just found two to three minor mistakes like this:

  • 'Mine did too.'

It should be: 'Mine did, too.' That's the kind of mistake I found, missing some commas.

-Flow- 9/10

It's fine, just a bit, I repeat, A BIT, fast. But it's really okay.

-Overall Enjoyment- 10/10

I'm a fan of angst/sad stories. And I love this one. I totally enjoyed reading it.

-Comments- 5/5

There are only few comments but they seemed to like your fic.


-Total- 82/90


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