Didn't Think I Was Gonna Get Tagged.. Dammit


finally got around to being tagged.... [sorry I'm so boring (T_T) ~Fx]


rule one: post the rules
rule two: answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three: tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four: let them know you tagged them!





TAGGED BY MinhosAegyo  



1. Which kpop idol would you want to receive a back hug, airplane hug, even a normal hug from? Or vice versa, which idol would you like to give one too?


2. Name three of your favorite debut songs. {ex; DBSK debuted w/ Hug, SHINee w/ Replay}

shinee replay

fx chu



3. Which groups would you like to see have a dance battle against each other?

shining shinee and big bang


4. Name atleast five idols you would want as best friends.

Minho shinee, 

top big bang,,

daesung big bang, 

amber fx,

g dragon big bang



5. Name atleast four idols you would want as your parent/brother/sister.

dad- uhhh Seungri from big bang

sister- amber from fx

brother- Dongho from ukiss

cool uncles- epik high


6. Name three of your favorite choreography by a kpop group.

Shinee Lucifer

Fx chu

Ukiss shut up


7. Who is your ULTIMATE bias? Group?

top- big bang


8. Who is favorite vocalist? Rapper? Main Dancer? Tripe Threat (if there is one)?

vocalist- daesung

rapper- tablo

main dancer- taemin

double threat- taeyang


9. If you were apart of a kpop group, what do you think your role would be? (Rapper, Vocalist, Main Dancer? etc)

rapper duh


10. If you were able to be with your bias for a month, who would it be? And what would you like to do?

top, get married


11. Which kpop idol do you really look up too?

I look up to... CL because shes badass



tag (not 11 people):
































Fx---from "Fxander"s questions!!!!:


also, if you just want to awnser these, and i DIDNT tag you, I'm totally curious to see everyones awnsers!!!


  • If you could have a one night stand with any group...who would it be?
  • that'd be one hell of a night
  • If you where of the opposite , and a Kpop Idol, who would you be? (EX: your a girl, and want to be ONEW...)
  • I would wanna be top, then i'd touch myself all the time
  • Who would you want to date, but not have with, in the Kpop-idol industry?
  • uhhhhh ONEW, i've heard some rumors his pee pee is massive
  • If you could spoon-feed any Idol, who would it be-and why?
  • weird? but uhm. yoogeun?
  • If you where to make a o with ONE K-idol... who would it be?
  • duh, top, no question
  • If you could publicly "out" a person in the K-industry, who would it be, and why? (EX: you make JoKwon come out of the closet...)
  • lol key, who are you kidding? come out already.
  • What idol gets you keyboard-smashing the easyest?
  • uhhhhh TOP
  • What K-idol makes you question your uality? 
  • uhhhh, ambers cute 
  • What song got you into Kpop?
  • fx chu
  • Whats your fave Korean food?
  • never tried any, 


Here's my eleven questions:

What's the most annoying thing about aff?


Who do you think would be the most caring husband in the kpop world?


What if you found out a kpop star wrote fanfiction?


Why are asians more attractive than other races?


Favorite kpop song right now?


If you were a korean male in the army and a kpop star was in your army group, what would you do?


would you ever move to korea?


Who knows about your fanficking?


Do all asians have small ding a lings?


Do you think gay stinks in all reality?


What if Taemin's s fell off?


Do you think Kpop stars are artificial? be honest.



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@fxander I was so confused!
@bummiesarang my bad
F(x) debuted with La Cha Ta not with Chu