Ulzzang Shidae Cafe Applicatiion

Application Form

Who do you think you are?                                   

[Username] CantresistTAEMtation

[Profile Link] http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/62411

[What should I call you?] Helenn

[Activeness] 10

You are beautiful in every single way                    

[Ulzzang Name] Jung Sung Ah

[Links] http://cfile8.uf.tistory.com/image/14167D404E2299A30DAE9C





[Back-up Ulzzang Name] Ha Neul





[Style] Preppy

→ When there's more than I thought I could be          

[Character Name] Kim Jihae

[Nicknames] Hey Hae!

[Height] 163 cm

[Weight] 45kg

[Age] 17

[Birth Place] Seoul, South Korea

[Hometown] Seoul, South Korea

[Enthicity]full korean

[Languages Spoken] Korean only

[Personality] She's a eating machine. She'll eat a whole cow by herself and get hungry in 2 hours. But she never gets fat. She must have goggi everyday or she'll go insane. She's really stubborn and dependent. She's so stubborn that sometimes she'll have fights with little children. She likes to do things her way and uses aegyo to get what she wants. Her puppy eyes are dangerous. She's has a very unique sense of humor that makes people laugh or smile in their worst days. Her smile can light up the entire room. She's brave and likes to try things (a big fan of YOLO) . She's not afraid to do new things. She always updated in fashion and dresses fashionably whereever she goes. She'll always have light makeup on too (eyeliner and lip gloss). She's really immature and crazy.

[History] She wants to become a makeup artist when she grows up. She's really artistic and won almost all the art competition that she's been on. She was bullied once when she was in middle school because she accidently spilled milk all over a popular girl. She grew up to be stronger from that experience. She's had a bunch of Boyfriends but they weren't the one and usually broke up in one month. The furthest she's gone with a boy with holding hands. Her parents were divorced when she was in 2nd grade. Her mom was a drunk and almost abused Jihae. Her dad couldn't handle it anymore and demanded to divorce right at the spot. Jihae's more than happy that he got divorced because she never liked her mom very much.


  • Goggi!
  • Doing aegyo
  • Making people smile or laugh
  • Chatting with people


  • Bugs
  • bullies
  • getting really sweaty
  • players


  • She always carries a pair of chopsticks with her everywhere
  • She has a micro pig named, Monkey
  • She has a thing for cute boys
  • Blood type is AB.


  • Drawing
  • Working


  • When she's frustrated, she'll talk to monkey
  • When she's sad, she'll duck her head and stay quiet.
  • When she's laughing, she'll cover with her hand.

Where is the love, the love, the love?                    

[Family Background]

[Family Members]

Name:Kim Hyun Jin
Job: making Glasses
Relation to your character:Dad
Personality: His smile is very warm and comforting. His humor comforts people and always has a advice to say to Jihae when she's upset. He's very wise and know what not to ask questions about and when not to bother Jihae.

[Siblings] x2 only

Name: Kim Ji Won
Age: 16
Job: Student
Relation to your character: Younger sister
Personality: She's as stubborn as Jihae is and always fights with Jihae. But they get closer throught the process. But Ji won is nicer and mroe caring about her family. Believe it or not, she's more mature than Jihae. When they are hanging out together, people will always think that Jihae's younger than Ji Won.But they are really close to each other and will tell each other everything.

[Best friend] x1 only

Name: Sehun
Age: 17
Job: Kpop Idol
Relation to your character: Best friend since childhood
Personality: He's really sarcastic at most times and is stubborn too. His sense of humor never fails to put a smile on Jihae's face. He's rarely mad but when he is, he has a good reason to and you should listen to him. He cares a lot about Jihae and will do anything to keep her from harm. He knows everything about Jihae and knows how to make her happy when she's sad. He's always there for Jihae and gives her a shoulder to lean on.

[Love Interest]

Name: Byun Baekhyun
Age: 19
Job: Kpop Idol
How do you two act around each other: They are like an newly wedded couple. they must go everywhere with each other and is corny with each other. They call each other "honey or baby boo". Baekhyun will do anything for Jihae and will get everything that she wants. Baekhyun loves skinships and tries to have most skinships as possible.  He'll always light up her day with a text message in the morning saying "Good morning Beautiful" and at nights "Good night my princess".
Do you keep contact: Yes[x] No[] Sometimes[]
If so, how: They  always text each other or face time each other.
Were you in a relationship before: Yes[] No[x]
How did you meet: By Sehun. You and Sehun were hanging in the city of Seoul. When Baekhyun saw Sehun and decided to join them. It was like Love at first sight for them.

[Back-up Love Interest]

Name: D.O.
Age: 19
Job: Kpop star
How do you two act around each other: They're like a old married couple. They fight constantly and make fools out of each other. But they always end up laughing. D.O. isn't the perfect guy but goood enough for jihae.
Do you keep contact: Yes[x] No[] Sometimes[]
If so, how: Text Message
Were you in a relationship before: Yes[] No[x]
How did you meet: In the cafe


Name: Kim Hong mi
Age: 17
Job: Student
Reason for your rivalry: bullied you when you were in middle school. Not in good terms after that.
Were you friends before: Yes[] No[x]

Everyday I'm shuffling                                         

[Comments] The hostess :)

[Anything else]nope

[Password]My bias is Baekhyun


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