♕ AHolic ♕ | Moon Ju Hee | Lu Han


Application Form

[Moon Ju Hee + Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper]


AFF Account: dumplingcheeks_

AFF account Link: clickity-click.


Character Name: Moon Ju Hee


  • Joo; when she was small, she often refered to herself as 'Joo' because she couldn't pronounce her whole name; Ju Hee. So that name stuck with her until she grew up.
  • Jumoon; she was given this nickname because when she is on stage, she is like a witch, casting a spell on people. She tries to draw as many people as she could with her talents. She was also given this name because when Mirotic came out, she would not stop singing the song. 

Bloodtype: B

Age: 21

Birthdate: 05/23/1991

Height: 170cm

Weight: 49kg

Ethnicity: Full-blooded Korean

Languages: Fluent in Korean and English



Ulzzang Name: Park Sora

Ulzzang Links: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Kwon Su Jeong

Back-Up Ulzzang Links: [x] [x] [x] [x




Do not let her appearance fool you. Joo may seem very innocent and captivating but her personality begs to differ. Narcissitic, extravertive and witty are commonly the words that are used to describe her. Joo is known for being the anchor that keeps everyone grounded with humanity and keep their feet planted firmly on the ground. In a sense, she is a boundless anchor. Joo has an endless loyalty to those who she regards as important. At times, this trait of hers usually gets her in trouble: she can never say no to people. Due to this as well, Joo is often taken advantage of but Joo merely takes it in with an open-heart mainly because she believes that life threw bad things happen to her for a reason - that is to test her patience. Due to these, Joo is as patient as Job, or so they say.

Despite not being able to say 'no' to people, Joo simply does not let people walk all over her. She is someone who can and will stand up for what she believes in. Joo's decisions cannot be faltered easily mainly because when she believes in something, she will put her whole heart in to it. For example,  when someone says that men are better than women, Joo would simply defend that men and women co-exist to compliment each other's lifes. Basically, she is stubborn with her views but Joo is always open to new ideas.

Growing up, Joo was always taught by her parents to be frank and to always tell people what she has in her mind. Hence, Joo has developed the tendency to be brutally frank in nearly everything. She always has to put her two cents in every little thing. Due to this, people often call her narcissitic. To be truth, when Joo does that, she always has her friends' best interests in her mind. This always gets her in trouble; it makes her come off as rather harsh and an off-putting person. Though now that Joo is slightly older and more mature, she has learn when to put her two cents in and when not to, i.e. she starts to subtly imply things and would often leave her sentences hanging and up for interpretation. One main thing that you must never ask Joo is advice. She is an awful advice-giver! Tell her to give you a prep talk or some boring history talk, that she can do but she gives the most awful advices ever: she can never sugarcoat the truth but if you like sugarfree words, you are more than welcomed to talk to Joo.

Most of the time, Joo is a rather well-mannered girl. She has her times when she would actually let the crazy side of her emerge but they only emerge under the influence of chocolate and lemon tea. Joo is a wonderful friend; she will not hesitate to drop everything that she is doing whenever you needd her to be with you. But another thing you should be well aware of, Joo gets really cranky and y when she is near her time of the month. Nearly evey little thing pisses her off and being the perfectionist that she is, that means more work for the rest of her friends! But that does not mean she is always cranky and y, at times she becomes very sensitive and would often shed tears, even when she is just listening to a sad song. Joo knows her weaknesses and flaws very well and strives to improve herself better. In short, Joo is just Joo. There are never enough words to fully describe how she is.

Background History:

Joo was born into a rather well-off family but she was not, by any means, rich. Her step-father was a rather successful business man, owning a few beauty spa in the country and her mother was a former swimmer. Unlike her family, Joo was much more interested in performing and music and unknowingly dreamed of becoming a singer. Joo caused a lot of fist-clenching as a little girl. She grew up without knowing who her real father was (mainly because her mother left him before she was even born) and it somewhat bothers her that her mother never wanted to talk about her real father. Being raised by a businessman and a former swimmer, Joo has inherited the competitive streak. Due to this, she was able to overcome the harsh training to become a better singer.

Even as a little girl growing up, Joo has always participated in school events and was well-liked by her peers. Joo liked taking the lead and was always bursting with energy. Her parents were, at first, wary of her decision in wanting to be a performer but when they saw how passionate and persistent Joo was in wanting to be a performer, they began to accept her dreams and told her to chase her dreams. Joo began going for the bigger competitions, though she may have not placed at number one, she was scouted by a couple of agencies. Feeling that she was still lacking in experiences, Joo rejected most of the offer and went to an actual audition two years after that. At the age of fifteen, she was scouted by Starlight Academy. Through SM academy, she trained hard for four years and was finally accepted as a trainee under SM when she placed first in the Singing Jjang Category during SM Best Youth Competition. She continued to train for another year under SM.


  • peaches ; she loves eating peaches so much so, she will never get tired of eating it
  • chocolates; like every woman in the planet (I suppose), Joo loves chocolates very much - it's a guilty pleasure
  • Lemon tea; it's a remedy that her mother told her to drink
  • Polaroid pictures; she enjoys collecting them - has a wall of it as well!
  • Literature; this was one of the reasons why she enjoyed English better
  • Sticky candies; due to their different textures and sizes, she is freaking addicted to these diabetes-inducing candies
  • Bangles; she likes collecting them
  • Children; because she was an only child, she has always enjoyed being around kids - she absolutely adores them!
  • Pavlovas; it's her way of staying healthy and eating sugar at the same time. It also has a lot of fruits that she loves
  • Stitch; don't you just love that blue experiment?! Joo is an avid fan of Stitch!
  • Green apples; it's the smell of her shampoo


  • Bugs and insects in general; she absolutely abhors things that can crawl on her skin
  • Getting migraines; Joo gets migraines when she eats chocolate but as mentioned above, it's her guilty pleasure: she just can't help herself
  • Coffee; she just dislikes the aftertaste of coffee that lingers in
  • the smell of cheese; there's just something about the smell that makes her want to puke
  • Horror movies; she gets paranoid after watching these movies and would often think that there are ghosts around her
  • Her iTouch/iPhone running out of battery; they are her source of entertainment!
  • cats; she was once surrounded by a lot of cats when she was a little kid - she has a love-hate relationship with cats
  • Less than 3 hours of sleep; she gets annoyed easily when she gets less than 3 hours of sleep
  • Inconsistent weather; she gets migraine easily when the weather gets hot then changes to cold.
  • Doing the dishes; a clean freak she may be, Joo cannot keep her stomach down if she has to wash over people's dirty dishes


  • Grocery shopping
  • Cleaning the dorm
  • Taking polaroid pictures with people
  • Updating her social network accounts; twitter, me2day, cyworld, etc
  • Checking out the latest rumours (and gossips) about her and her group
  • Trying out recipes of foods that she likes
  • Laughing at Eat Your Kimchi videos
  • Collecting Stitch! related items
  • Watching Stitch on TV/YouTube
  • Baking desserts


  • Doing LTE raps
  • Imitating Xiah Junsu, vocal-wise
  • Baking - makes the best desserts ever
  • Swimming
  • she plays the gayageum - the only traditional instrument that she can play


  • When Joo is really angry, she will always be really silent, opting to be silent instead of talking someone's ears off
  • She always sneezes thrice in a row
  • Touching the back of her neck when she feels nervous
  • Whenever she sees little kids, she will always approach them, talk to them and if it was okay with their parents/guardians, take a picture with them!
  • Always carries her iPhone/iTouch with her all the time


  • She is a huge fan of JYJ+DBSK and is Junsu biased
  • She cried for thirty minutes when she found out that JYJ left SM
  • Her current ringtone is Xiah's Tarantallegra
  • Her twitter DP is a picture of her and a lot of Stitch dolls
  • Joo gets flustered easily when a guy looks into her eyes
  • Joo named her dog, Keys, after Alicia Keys
  • Her favourite play of all times would perhaps be A Streetcar Named Desire and Hamlet
  • Her ideal guy is someone who is taller than her, has to have a really wonderful smile and overall has a good voice and can rap
  • Her favourite couple in the industry is Tiger JK and (T) Yoon Mirae
  • Besides Stitch, Joo loves the number '13' and sees it a good luck thing rather than a bad luck thing.
  • Most of her stud earrings are star-related
  • If she did not pursue her dream as a singer, she would have become a pastry chef



Family members:

Moon Dae Hyun | 52 | Businessman | Step-father; though they might not be blood-related, Joo looks up to him like a real father and Dae Hyun treats her like a real daughter. He is one of Joo's biggest supporter and would often lend a hand whenever Joo needs help with certain things.

Ok Sun Young | 48 | former swimmer | mother; she is eccentric and at times hare-brained but she is nonetheless enjoyable to be around with. Sun Young and Joo have a really close, tight-knit bond so much so people often mistake them as sisters rather than mother and daughter whenever they are together.


Lee Soo Jung (Baby Soul) | 19 | best friend; though Soojung might be younger than Joo, they are really close - they often treat each other as sisters and are really comfortable with each other. Joo always takes care of Soojung whenever Soojung has to stay for late practices and what not.

Yoo Jia | 19 | Best friend; Joo got to know Yoo Jia from Soojung. The two of them were always close and Jia finds Joo very interesting and looks up to Joo as a big sister. Together, the three of them are known as the J-triplets - Jung/Ju/Jia - and are really like a family.


Sunhwa | 22 | a member of SECRET | They are frenemies - they often treat each other as rivals and would often be paired up. They often bicker like a married couple. Despite being rivals, they do have their times when they would treat each other decently. They do not talk to each other about things other than their so-called rivalry.

Seohyun | 20 | a member of SNSD | It's a one-sided rivalry. Joo is not aware that Seohyun is holding a grudge over her. She would try to talk to Seohyun but Seohyun would always put her down. Even though Joo is older than her, Seohyun believes that she has the privilege for she is a 'senior' to Joo who has only recently debuted. Joo just thinks that it's a part of Seohyun's 4D personality.

Love Interest:

Lu Han | 22 | A member of EXO-M | Tipping around the lines of being more than friends and staying as friends | He has a bright personality that literally lights up your world. He naturally attracts people to him and looks after people very well. Joo always feel like a blundering fool whenever she's around Lu Han because Lu Han is how she envision her ideal man. Despite that, Joo is actually very comfortable around Lu Han and Lu Han is rather overprotective over her. The both of them are naive in regards to their feelings hence the tiptoeing around the friends zone and what not.

How you met:

Joo met Lu Han in the hallways outside of their practice room. At that time, Joo was new to the company (having been under SM Academy for so long!) and when she first saw Lu Han, she thought Lu Han was too pretty to be Korean. Also at that time, Joo really had to go to the toilet badly and since she had forgotten to ask where the toilet was, she decided to ask Lu Han where it was. Lu Han, at that time, was mesmerized (for the lack of a better word) by her sudden appearance and her beauty, that he just stared at he. Thinking that Lu Han didn't understand her, she asked him in English. Joo had a hard time trying to remember what toilet in Mandarin was and when she finally managed to get it right, Lu Han chuckled at her effort but pointed it out to her nonetheless. Joo immediately excused herself and hurriedly went to the toilet. Whenever they would always meet, either at the canteen or at the nearest cafe, Joo would always talk to him in Korean, slowly and uses exaggerated hand-movements. Lu Han found her very endearing and she amuses him. When Joo found out that he could actually speak in Korean, she got so embarrassed that she would try to not speak with him at all. But Lu Han, who still think his attraction to her just as amusement, didn't want any of that. So he pestered s to get her number for him and Sehun was the one who got her number for him.


Idol Life 

Stage Name: Joo

Persona: Part-time spell (Jumun) caster - all explained in the nickname section above! :)

Audition Info: Joo placed first in Singing Jjang Category during SM Best Youth Competition. She did a cover of Whitney Houston's 

Trainee Duration: 6 years

Personal Fanclub Name: Seirios (which means 'glowing' or 'scorcher') since she is a spell-caster.

Group Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper

Back-up Position: Leader, Rapper, Vocalist



What are you most good at? Singing

Did you feature in any dramas? Music Videos? she had a cameo scene in Super Junior's first movie and she was also in Super junior's Happiness music video. Joo was an extra in SHINee's Japanese version of Juliette MV.

What other talent are you good at? Acting and baking tidbits


Comments: Hope you like Joo! All the best for your story! :) Liked the songs that you've suggested for their debut album and definitely cannot wait to see how you progress with the story and the characters.

Suggestions: The girls could have a documentary; whereby the first few episodes will show each individual's lives and what motivated them to become a singer or who they are today. And a few episodes after that would show how they are in their dorms, during practice, performances and what not. They could also be given missions to gain more followers and fans get to send in requests to the members (for example get one of the members to call their phones because the fan has an important exam or in need of some encouragement) or those fans that ship EXO with the girls get to ask them to do something together, for example take a 'couple' picture and address it to a lucky fan. 

Password: Adventure Time!


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