We trolled.

I just want to say sorry to IamEro for trolling her. I was the real mastermind! Forgive me. XDD. I opened XxBlackBeat's Facebook account (with her permission) and I pretended to ba a hacker while I was talking on the phone with XxBlackBeat, collaborating with her. XDD. I said that I was an admirer of IamEro and I pretended to be jejemon. (jejemon- ex. H3ll0...'). IamEro was panicking while we were laughing. T^T. Sowee IamEro. XxBlackBeat was so afraid to tell IamEro. XDD. She might kill us. XDD. So there. :)). We're so lucky IamEro is a nice person. XDD. Wahhh...


Pranking is bad.

If ever you want to prank, be sure that its only your bestfriend. Or just never prank! XDD.


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