Crown Application - Alex Roy [1]


AFF username: Ddagkoma_is_mine

AFF profile link: clickie ;3




Character's Name: Alex Roy

Superpower: Invisibility 

Age: 18 y. o.

Birthdate: 01. 01. 1994

Bloodtype: AB

Height: 176 cm.

Weight: 67 kg.

Birthplace: Ohio, SUA

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Language: English, Korean - fluently

Character background: Alex was born in Ohio, but one month later, his mother moved to Seoul, taking him with her. She and Alex’s father were always arguing on the phone, this is how Alex found out his father said he’s the result of a one night stand. Because of that, Alex grew to hate him more than anybody else in this entire world. He had a pretty good life. He didn’t need a father since his mother took good care of him and gave him everything he wanted.
At the age of 9, he met a man whose face he never saw before. That certain man pretended he was his so-called ‘father’ and he just moved to Seoul dragging also a 16 years old boy with him. This is the way Alex found out about his step-brother, and that was also the day he found out about his ‘power’. His parents were fighting in the kitchen. Everything the kids could hear that day around the house was cursing words and yells. Alex, not being able to take it anymore, ran to his father and punched him right in his stomach. Weird thing, his father was acting like he was being hit by a ghost. That’s right! He couldn’t see the kid.
After that day, Alex started using his power more often. It was also a big help when it was coming to run away from the crazy fangirls he had in high school.



Ulzzang Name: Lee Chi Hoon

Ulzzang Appearance Links: 1 2 3 4 5

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Lee Woo Joo

Back-Up Ulzzang Appearance Links: 1 2 3 4 5


  • Casual: 1 2 3 4 5 
  • Sleepwear: 1 2 3 
  • Practice/training: 1 2 3 
  • Red Carpet/Formal: 1 2 3 4 5 



Personality: Being all mommy’s boy and having everything he wants, Alex became one of those persons who’re often full of themselves. He talks a lot and he likes to be the only one who talks. The other must just listen to him and approve everything he says, right or not. He’s really ambitious and stubborn, but he easily gives up to things he doesn’t like. He gets angry pretty often if things don’t come out as he expected. He’s loud and he yells a lot. He laughs very often, even at the lamest joke. Say something bad about his hair and he'll give you a 'middle finger'. He thinks he looks young for his age, that's why the other members keep teasing him, annoying him to death. Even that, he’s still respectful and kind. He likes to help the ones who need his help, and loves a lot when others come to him for advices.

Likes: spicy food, comedies, horror movies, noonas, music, his hair, Christmas, shiny days, to make a lot of friends, to talk.

Dislikes: sweets, two-faced persons, to be contradicted, arrogant guys, quiet girls, blue eyes, rainy days, boredom, school, when people boss him around.


Habits: thinks out loud, bits his thumb, walks in rain when he’s sad, laughs a lot, sniffs when he’s nervous.

Hobbies: soccer , singing, dancing, piano, jogging, writing lyrics, skateboarding

Trivias: never had a girlfriend, his mother never let him go to work, he always skip classes when he's not in the mood for annoying teachers, flirts a lot, he's still waiting for his 'soulmate', he dye his hair often, once he used his power to steal Se7en's underwear and add it to his 'Se7en Stolen Things' collection, have a tattoo on his nape [it's writen 'JP' ; nobody knows about it ; it's his little secret. Yes, JP comes from 'Jay Park']

Motto: "You can't be a winner and be afraid to lose."



Family background: His parents aren’t together anymore. Maybe they were someday. Alex doesn’t know if the true was that there was just a one night stand between them or his parents really had a relationship in the past. His mother is pretty rich because the career she chose, so she was able to take care of Alex by herself.

Family members: 

  • Kim SoEun [Real name: Nana Roy] ; 41 y.o. ; actress ; loves Alex a lot and is very close to him. Always tries to give him the best, feeling guilty she can’t spend too much time with her son.

  • Park DaeHyun ; 43 y.o. ; lawyer ; Nana’s boyfriend / future husband ; close to Alex. Always makes him laugh and gives him gifts. Likes to take care of him and make him happy. Tries to make Alex love him like his new father.

  • Park JunMyun ; 45 y.o. ; Alex’s real father ; Alex hates him.

  • Park JaeBeom [Jay Park] ; 25 y.o. ; Alex’s step-brother ; They didn’t talk to each other since they were kids. They often see each other, but they pretend they don’t know one another. But, deep inside his heart, Alex really loves him, admires him and wants to become closer to him. The same thing goes to Jay too.



  • Kim AhYoung [Yura] of Girl's Day ; 18 y.o. ; singer[rapper] ; best friend ; Yura and Alex know everything about each other. They used to go to the same high school until Yura debuted with Girl's Day under Dream Tea Entertainment. Even that, Yura's debut didn't affect their relationship and they're as close as before.
  • Cha Sunwoo [Baro] of B1A4 ; 18 y.o. ; singer[rapper ; childhood friend / best friend] ; He and Alex know each other since they were little. They spent every little minute of their free time together. Baro is the one who woke the passion for rapp inside Alex.
  • Jeong Ha Na [Zinger] of Secret ; 20 y.o. ; singer[rapper] ; Alex's favorite noona ; his mother introduced Zinger to him and since then, they kept hanging out together.

Rivals: none~

Love interest's Name & Group: [You choose]

How did you meet? : The certain girl is one of the CROWN members. Alex liked her since they were trainee, but he never showed it to her. He kept distance and acted cold towards her, hopping his 'little' crush will disappear, but it became worse. He started liking her even more.

Back-up love interest's name & Group: Ahn Hyo Jin [LE] of EXID

How did you meet? : Alex met LE when he went to see his mother shooting for one of her movies. She talked to his mother and it seemed that his mother already knew her, because she put her sing something for her, so LE did. She rapped something in english and Alex was left amazed at how much LE's and CL's voice were alike. 



How did you get in? : He competed to a Rapp contest when he was 15 and won the first place, being the best rapper among the competitors. He didn’t know the CEO of YG Entertainment was actually watching them. That day, the CEO decided to keep an eye on Alex. In the same year, his mother and he were invited on a television show that was talking about how hard his mother’s life was to take care by herself of a kid, having the career she had. That day, Alex was asked to become an YG trainee.

Trainee life: none

No. of years as a trainee: 2 years and 7 months

Experience: Cast in the drama 'Thorn Birds' as the young Lee Young Jo along with his mother. Wrote the lyrics for Dalmatian's E.R.



Dance Links: Jay Park | Eunhyuk | Taeyang

Singing Links: JinYoung | SeungHyun | Henry

Rap Links: Baro | Wonbin | Kyung



Stage Name: R.AL [REAL] (R from Roy and AL from Alex.)

Position in group: Sub-Rapper & 2nd Visual

Back-Up Position: Sub-Dancer & Visual

Persona: Arrogant Grandpa

Fanclub name: Lexie [you read it 'Lek-see' and it means,according to google, man's defender. Hm..I just thought at the 'LEX' from]

Fanclub colour:                        #339966



Password: hot pink.

Comments: <3


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