F3 DAYS (에프트리 대스) ★ Application form

HANA, DUL, SET! 하나, , !
AFF Username: dumplingcheeks_
AFF Link: here.
What name to call you?: Lee :)
Activeness: on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say 10 cause I have no life. lol.
Character name: Kwon Ju Hee
Nickname(s): Joo
Age: 22
D.O.B: May 23rd, 1990
Year of the: Horse
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Birth Place: Suwon, Gyeongi-do
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ambition: Other than an idol, a famous baker!
Ethnicity: Korean
Language(s): Other than Korean, Joo speaks fluent English
Joo is a very free-spirited girl. She does not let her problems bring her down but instead takes them as constructive criticism and uses them to grow stronger. Growing up, Joo was always taught to chase after her dreams and to not let people tell her otherwise. She is a very hardworking girl - one that is really passionate about her work. Up to the point that she could be considered as a perfectionist; she gives 110% in everything that she does.
Too many times people mistook her as quiet and hard to approach but she is actually one of the friendliest people you will ever meet. Once you get past the image that was stuck on her, Joo oozes with love (literally). She hates it when things are really tense and would often be the ice-breaker. She has the tendency to blurt out ridiculous things when she wants to get people's attention.
Joo is the type of girl that really beliebes in her gut feelings; for example, if she dislikes a person, nothing that person does will ever be right in her eyes. this is the bad side of Yeonju - she is as stubborn as a mule and would often get into trouble because of it. She becomes quite moody when she is on her period; she can be y in a second but the next, she will be really sensitive. Being with Joo when she is on her period, one must learn not to say things that would upset Joo but most of the time, Joo is a well-mannered and likeable person.
As a little girl, Joo has always shown interest in performing. Seeing as talent runs deep in the family, both of her parents were really supportive of her dream. She had her ups and downs when she rarely placed #1 in singing competitions but that never stopped her from doing what she loved. Joo began to take her dream very seriously when she saw BoA performing on stage - at that time Joo thought to herself, "One day, I'm going to be just like her".
Having parents who loved music with a passion, Joo was always exposed to a lot of different genres of music. Twice a month, the whole family (her dad's side and her mom's side) would come together and have karaoke competitions. Joo was further inspired when her cousins seemed really good to her ears. Joo was extremely happy when she got into JYPE but after two years, she felt like she was not going anywhere and withdrew from the company. Her parents still supported her decisions but then Joo began taking rapping lessons and vocal lessons that was when things began to change for her.
  • Peaches; she loves eating peaches - it's one fruit she will never get tired of
  • Chocolates; every woman (i suppose) loves chocolate and Joo is included as well. It's her guilty pleasure
  • Lemon tea; it's a remedy her mom told her to drink every day - she loves it
  • Polaroid pictures; she likes collecting them, like a wall full of them
  • Literature; it was what started her vast interest in English
  • Sticky candies; due to their different textures and tastes, she is freaking addicted to this bottle of sugar
  • bangles; she likes collecting them - has a lot of them in her drawer
  • Children; regardless of the age, Joo loves being around children
  • Pavlovas; she has a sweet tooth and it's filled with a lot of fruits that she likes
  • Stitch; an avid fan of stitch!
  • The smell of green apples; it's her shampoo
  • Bugs and insects in general; she absolutely abhors things that can crawl on her skin
  • Getting migraines; Joo gets migraines when she eats chocolate but like I've mentioned before, it's her guilty pleasure - she can't help it
  • The smell of cheese; there's just something about the smell of cheese that makes Joo want to puke
  • Coffee; she just dislikes the aftertaste of coffee that lingers in
  • Her iTouch/iPhone running out of battery; they are her source of entertainment!
  • Cats; one day she tried to feed one cat, then out of nowhere came a lot of cats! she has a like-hate relationship with cats
  • Getting less than 3 hours of sleep; she can run very well in only 3 hours of sleep but if she gets less, Joo gets cranky and headache
Hobbies: 8+
  • Grocery shopping
  • Cleaning the dorm (she has slight OCD problems!)
  • Taking polaroid pictures with people
  • Updating her social network accounts; twitter, me2day, cyworld
  • Checking out the latest rumours (or gossips) about her and her group
  • Buying cook books
  • Watching Eat Your Kimchi 
  • Collecting Stitch! related stuffs
  • Watching Stitch on TV/YouTube 
  • Sniffing her food subconsciously
  • Touching the back of her neck when she gets nervous
  • She always sneezes thrice in a row
  • She would always put on a really sad movie when she wants to cry really bad without having anyone questioning her
  • Joo sleeps on one side only - if she fell asleep on her left side, she'll stay like that until the next morning
  • Whenever Joo sees little kids, she would always approach them and playing with them regardless of the fact that she probably does not know who they are
  • She has OCD with cleaning - so she cleans a lot
  • When she was little, Joo accidentally stood under an ant's nest so a lot of the ants fell on her - hence she hates insects/bugs
  • Joo gets flustered easily when she's around a guy that she likes
  • Her ideal man is someone who has a cute smile (Joo changes her ideal man all the time!)
  • A big fan of Big Bang, especially G-Dragon!
  • She is a very good baker! you name it, she can bake it
  • Joo likes rapping - so much so, the first time she heard Zelo's LTE rap, she got it done in two hours
  • Joo has a dog named Keys
  • Alicia Keys and Whitney Houston are her favourite English singers
Does your character use profanities? Sometimes.
What language(s) does your character use for profanities?  Mainly in English
COLOR: Golden
SINGER: Alicia Keys
SONG: Heaven - Ailee
FOOD: Kimbap
SNACK BRAND: Marks & Spencer
MOVIE: Sappy, cheesy, romantic movies
ACTOR: Kim Bum & Yoo Seung Ho
FOOD: all sorts of desserts
SPORT: Swimming
ATHLETE: Park Tae Hwan

Height: 168cm
Weight: 49kg
Ulzzang / Model name: Park Sora [x]
Ulzzang / model pictures: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5
Back-up Ulzzang / Model name: Hong Eun Ji [x]
Back-up Ulzzang / Model pictures: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5
Style: Joo's style varies; sometimes it's classy, sometimes it's girly and sometimes it's simple yet y. She does not like wearing jewelry - her studs and bangles are exceptional for day to day wear. Even for an occasion, she does not like wearing jewelry, but for evening wear, she would wear one to make a statement. She loves tops and dresses that hugs her figure and in days where she would use her 'body' to her advantage, she would wear cropped tops and jeans. She would always make sure she at least go out with make-up even if she has to go out of her house/dorm using her pajamas.
Casual : 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5
Formal/Special Occasions: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5
Sleeping Wear:1 • 2 • 3
Practice : 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5

MEET MY FAMILY! 가족을 만나보세요.
Name:  Baek Boram
Age: 49 years old
Birthday:  September 22nd, 1963
Personality: She is a very laid-back mother, one that loves to spoil her daughter. Boram has the tendency to be eccentric at times but most of the time, she's this laid back woman who finds a lot of things humorous. Very passionate about music.
Relationship with your character:  Boram supports Joo whole-heartedly. In fact, she often gives advices to Joo when Joo is in need of them. Joo is very close to her mom and when people first meet the both of them, people often think that Boram is her sister instead of her mother with how they act with each other.
Dead or Alive: Alive
Name: Kwon Hwan Hee
Age: 50
Birthday:  May 9th, 1962
Personality: He is hilarious; loves teasing his family and cracking jokes. He may seem cold but he's actually a bundle of joy to be around with. He cares a lot about his family and is a very good son/brother as well.
Relationship with your character:  Joo looks up to her father. He is supportive of her dreams and would often be there for her when she's disappointed in herself. In short, her father is her pillar of support.
Dead or Alive: Alive
Relationship with your character:
Dead or Alive:                               
Best Friend
Name: Lee Soojung | Baby Soul
Age: 19
Birthday:  July 6th, 1992
Personality: Soojung is a really wonderful friend. Despite being younger than Joo, both of them are very close. Soojung respects Joo as much as Joo respect Soojung. Soojung is caring and a really well-mannered girl; one that does not troubles bother her. She is a passionate worker.
Name: Kim Michelle
Age: 22
Birthday: January 13th, 1990
Personality:  She is a rather eccentric girl. One that is really fun to be around with. Michelle is rather sarcastic as well and she has a rather quirky love for bright things. Michelle is one girl that does not let others push her down.
I WILL WIN! 저는이길겁니다!
Name: Sunhwa, SECRET [x]
Reason: It all started due to a misunderstanding. A fan of Sunhwa (and Joo's anti-fan) said that Joo had said something about Sunhwa and how horrible SECRET was and Joo's fans defended by saying that she started it first, not Joo. Tension rose between the two of them and somehow, they started becoming rivals in nearly everything.
I LOVE YOU! 사랑해!
Name: Lu Han
Personality: Although Lu Han may look like he's 12 years old, his personality begs to differ. He is very nice and caring towards people, especially s. He is the type to say sorry even when he is the one who is being wronged. Not only that, when he feels close to someone, he will not be afraid to show their closeness using skinship.
How do you act each other?: Ju Hee gets flustered around Lu Han easily. Lu Han likes teasing her because he knows what he does to her. Though they might seem awkward with each other, they are actually really comfortable with each other. Up to the point that holding hands or hugging is a norm for Luhan and Ju Hee. Lu Han likes being around her so he would always make sure if they were ever in a show together, he gets to sit beside her.
What’s your relationship?: Tip-toeing around the 'more than friends', 'i like her/him' and 'friends' zone.
Do you keep in contact?: Always
If yes, how?: Though both of them are really busy with schedules, they would make sure to at least call each other before they go to bed and text each other every morning.
WATCH ME SHINE! 나를 빛나게 조심해!
8 - Bold is most wanted to be
1 - Least wanted to be
[8] The Face– The one who has many fans. But she doesn’t date any of them in order of being an idol. A good girl with the face that boys would swoon over. Charm: Prettiness.
[2] The Smart One– Her score is always 3 digits. Only sometimes she got 2 digits. She’s not so popular, just like normal girls. Charm: Smartness.
[6] The School President– Teachers’ hands. She’s known as the School President even tough every School President likes to scold or what. This School President is kind. Charm: Kindness.
[7] The Fashionita– She loves fashion, she got the money, she got the trend and of course girly. Even though like that she’s well-behavioral. Charm: Her fashion sense and trend.
[3] The Tomboy– Her friends are boys. She only has 4-5 girl friends. She is fun too boys but sometimes to boyish to girls. Charm: Her boyish side.
[5] The Athlete– She’s school’s hands in sport. She won the first place in national and international competition. But due to trainee times she couldn’t follow any competition again. Her body is perfect and face also. Charm: Her ability in sports.
[4] The School Hater– She’s rich, she got the money, cars, house, and face everything. But she hates school and wants to do music. She took courses in replace for not coming to school. Charm: How naïve she is in not continuing school.
[1] The Forgotten– The lonely girl. She’s always bullied without a reason. Secretly she became SM trainee even though she’s still bullied and all alone. Charm: Patience.
Your character is from … School:
[] Hwagok High School
[]Yeom Kwang High School
[]Daegu Youngshin High School
[]Hanlim Arts High School
[]Byeongjeom High School
[]Dong Duk Female High School
[]Sangmyeon University
[]Dongshin University
[]Dankook University
[]Howon University
[x]Hanyang University
[]Chungwoon University
How did you get into YGent?: Ju Hee was actually scouted by JYPE, at the age of 15, when she was on a holiday with her family. She became a trainee for the agency and trained for 2 years under JYPE. Ju Hee withdrew herself from the company because she was still unsure whether she wanted to go through with it or not. She began taking classes in rapping and vocal lessons. Later on, when she was 17, she caught the interest of Teddy from 1TYM, who later recommended her to Yang Hyun Suk. Two months after that, Ju Hee was signed under YG.
What year did YGent asked you to join YGent?: 2007
[] Leader
[]Main Dancer
[]Lead Dancer    
[]Main Rapper
[]Lead Rapper
[]Main Vocal
[]Lead Vocal
Back-up position:
[]Main Dancer
[]Lead Dancer
[]Main Rapper
[]Lead Rapper
[]Main Vocal
[]Lead Vocal
Individual fan club name:  Seirios (the brightest star in the night sky)
Individual fan club color: golden rod - can't seem to check the # for it. lol. Basically, it's just golden rod.
Fan Club Chant:   Aim for the moon; if you miss, you may hit a star!
Last But Not Least...
Suggestion?: Just a tiny bit suggestion though; you might want to elaborate on some of what you are asking because I had a tiny hard time trying to figure out what you wanted lol. Like the boyfriend request - is that where we're supposed to write what we want to see happen, and that sort of stuff.
Comment or question?: All the best in your story!

Scene Request?: They (Lu Han & Ju Hee) are in a show together - something like a couple show. Seeing as Ju Hee was 'new' to the 'star-life', they decided she would go first. They asked her to do something 'adorable' to catch the attention of the guys so with much difficulty, since Ju Hee believes she cannot do aegyo, she stood at the center and laughed nervously before doing the bunny aegyo [x] and the famous bbuing bbuing pose [x]. Lu Han felt jealous when a lot of people (especially the male idols) cheered loudly for her. So Luhan kept on doing things that would make Ju Hee blush and he made sure Ju Hee thinks of no one but him.

Single Commercial/CF request?: CF; the girls were given props (teddy bears & pillows) and they have to take pictures of it on a bed. Basically, it's just a bed CF. They were told to wear their own pajamas and this is the first time a group has done a CF without any make-up! Natural beauty is their concept since it's a bed and they want fans to know how comfortable the bed is and what not.

Boyfriend Request? Let's have Lu Han as her boyfriend ;)


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Thank you. Will create your own little corner later!~ ♥ Gamsa!~
Annyeong! I have updated the Application form, please check if you have had any difficulties, ne? ♥
Saranghamnida, _______-nim!