Random Memory

This one is really random.

It was when we were getting ready to leave for camp (same camp as the one mentioned in the previous blog post), and we were going to have a prayer meeting. (In other words, there's a list of prayer items that we're going to pray for, be it a request to God or a thank you to Him, as a group.)

The list goes something like this:

1. For the delegates to have a heart ready to learn

2. For God's presence

3. For guidance (for the counselors)

4. Safety for those who have yet to arrive

5. Health for everyone

6. Safe trip.

It's not exactly like that, but something like that.

Now, I was standing to the back of the room, and the list was flashed via PPT on the other end of the room (diagonally-ish). I have seeing problems, as in I need corrective lenses, but not too badly. Just so that I can read things far from me (like stuff on a chalk board or bulletin board). 

I was trying to read the list, and my brain decided it wanted to read things differently, and the last request got targeted.

What was supposed to be 'safe trip' got processed as 'safe hip', and I was like 'HUH?' and I asked the person nearest to me what the last one was, just to be sure. Lo, and behold! My eyes were deceiving me (or was it my brain?)! The real word was 'trip'. Now that makes more sense. LOL


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It would have been funny if she actually had a sore hip (not for her though)