✽ Into Your World - 너의 세계로(Angℯl) {Lee Jihae


 girl #2



 My Lady                                        

[name] Lee Jihae

[nickname]  Hey Hae, It's an inside joke with her friends; Pickachu because she can be bursting with aegyo when she wants something

[height] 162 cm

[weight] 44kg



[ulzzang name]Jung Sung Ah

[five+ HD pics][1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

[back-up ulzzang] Hanuel

[2+ HD pics] [1] [2]

[extras] eye color- Light Brown, has three piercings- one on each ear and one on the top of the left ear




'Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.'- Marilyn Monroe


 She's really clumsy and will drop everything that she holds. She's really forgetful so you can't depend on her to remind you to do something. She always has a smile on her face (even when she makes a mistake or embarasses herself) and it lights up the entire room. She loves to make people laugh and smile in their worst days. She's really gullible and will believe almost everything that she hears. She only cries when she's been really holding it in and has to pour it all out. After getting lied to or betrayed by, Jihae will never look at you the same way she has. She can be a blunt sometimes and just says things/acts before thinking. She doesn't like to hold grudges and is nice to everybody. She treats everyone equally. She does aegyo to get something that she wants. Her puppy eyes are very dangerous. Her humor is unexpected funny. She just says a joke in an awkward silence that makes everyone laugh. She is a very hungry person, She'll eat a whole cow by herself and get hungry in 2 hours. (fast metabolism)



1. Healing- Strengths: Heals very quickly and effectivly. Weakness: It takes some energy away from Hyo Mi

2. Bringing live into Objects- Strengths: It helps defending her self. Weakness- whenever the objects get hurt, Jihae gets hurt with them.


  • smiling
  • making people's days
  • SItting down and relaxing as the wind blows on her face
  • Breezy days
  • doing Aegyo
  • sleepovers
  • laughing
  • Having fun with her friends
  • the feeling that you get when you did something nice to someone
  • praying


  • Cigarettes
  • Pure mean people
  • Liars
  • Fakes
  • Cursing
  • A bad atmosphere
  • Being alone


  • When she's about to cry, she bites her lips 
  • When she's laughing, She'll cover with her hand
  • When she's nervous, Hyo mi will start sweating
  • When she's eating, she'll just blank out without her knowing


  • Playing piano
  • Eating
  • Collecting a collection of Ipod cases


  • She always carries a pair of chopsticks with her.
  • She'll always pray before eating and before sleeping
  • Her blood type is A
  • She thinks that everyone is pretty in their own way


What is Love                                 

[EXO boys] the first two you want, then the next. I also need another interest that isn't from EXO. It can be anyone you want!

1. Baekhyun 
3. Yoseob

[relationship]  JIhae and baekhyun are always teasing each other and pushing their buttons. Jihae is only like this with Baekhyun. Baekhyun always tries to challenge her in aegyo contests. Baekhyun cares for Jihae a lot but doesn't show it alot.He gets jealous easily and is overprotective of her.

[rival] Jung Hoon mi

[reason]  Hoon mi is the popular girl. She has a crush on Baekhyun and will do anything to get him away from Jihae.



[anything I missed?] nopee :)

[requests?] Noneee :D

[comments?] Good luck and i hope you pick me :3


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