Tagged :D!!


TAGGED BY SuperCatma   x3
Rule one: post the rules
Rule two: answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it will be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
Rule three: tag eleven people and link them to your post
Rule four: let them know you tagged them!
1. What first got you into KPop?
My sister Jessica listened to kpop and then.... well yeah... x3
2. Who was the first KPop artist you listened to?
BIGBANG (i think or mybe Taeyang's wedding dress...>.<) 
3. First Idol group you fell in love with?
4. Are they still your favorite?
Yup, with SHINee & MBLAQ <3
5. Who is your bias in your favorite group(s)?
SHINee - Taemin
Big Bang - G-Dragon
6. Why is this person(s) your bias? Why do you like them so much?
Taemin has been my bias ever since I first saw SHINee (in idol army). He is sweet, cute and I love him so much.  Mir became my bias for because he is childish and really hyper <3 evan though people think Mir is a little too hyper but i think thats his best quality. And well G-Dragon is just ing amazing. Words cant decribe him just too adorable and y! ~
7. What are your favorite songs by this group(s)?
SHINee - Every song~ <3
MBLAQ - Run, Cry, Stay, Mona Lisa, Warrior, and any other that i forgot xP 
Big Bang - EVERY SONG !!!!!~
8. Do you have any siblings, and if so, do they like KPop?
I have a brother and he thinks Kpop is gay. My sister Loves kpop like me :3
9. What do your parents think about it?
They dont know. >:)
10. If you could go anywhere with your bias, where would you go?
Theme park >w<
11. Can you speak Korean?
Nope but i wanna :D
12. Can you sing or play any instruments?
No T.T
13. Would you be a KPop star? What label would you choose?
YES! DEFINATELY!~ erm... SM (dnt hurt me!) 
14. Your dreams...
- Go to South Korea, Seoul, and meet Asian people. 
- Befriend an Asian.
- Go to a kpop concert and possibly meet the idols~
- Learn Korean and live in Korea.
- Marry a Korean and have cute little babies. c:
Okay these are SuperCatma's answers but yeah they apply to me too x3
15. Favorite pairing?
JoonMi, 2min, Jongkey, Kangteuk, Bangzelo, & G-Ri :D
1. How did you find out about kpop?
2. What Do you like about kpop?
2. Your Top 3 favourite boy groups? 
3. Your Top 3 favourite girl groups?
4. Your Top Bias? ( Mwuhahaha only 1! ) 
5. OTP? ( Can be GirlxGirl, BoyxBoy Or GirlxBoy )
6. First Kpop song heard?
7. A Day With Your Bias, What would you do for a day? ( >;3 )
8. Group that needs more credit?
9. Current Fav Song?
10. MV Dance you love the most?
11. Do You have any kpop loving friends?
12. What song would you recomend to a friend (who has never seen kpop before) if they asked?
13. You biggest kpop Dream?
14. The last thing you would think your bias would do
Tag List~
Sorry for crappy questions~ >.<


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YEAH! I gotz tagged! *dances*
Nao.. Bye! ^-^