[ : A Horror Story in the Works! : ] Application




AFF Username ►AmyL09

Character Name ►Woo Bo Yeon

Nickname ►Yeonnie

Age ►17

Height ►165cm

Ethnicity ►Korean

Cultural Beliefs ►They believe that the color red is lucky. They also believe that if a spider falls on you, a person who is close to you will die.

Boy Number One ►L (Infinite)

Boy Number Two ►Jay (Daeguknamah/DNA/DGNA/The Boss)

The Bestie ►9

The Not So Friendly ►2

Personality ►Bo Yeon is the type of friend that would join another friend at the mall to shop but would only ditch her to play at the arcade. Bo yeon is no near interested in clothes, fashion, shoes etc. She would rather play video games or read a book or even sleep than to shop for clothes which she has already a lot in her closet. When she's around her friends she would be really playful and energetic. She usually over reacts at times and connect their current situation to a situation in a horror movie for she loves watching horror movies. 90% of movies that she watches are horror movies and she knows most of the horror movies whether Asian, Western etc. She finds gory stuffs disgusting but interesting. She would usually be a tsundere(cold and hostile) to the guy she likes. She doesn't act different to her friends and to the people she doesn't know except that maybe she's more calm and quiet when she's around people she doesn't know. She would usually be cautious of what she's saying or what she is gonna say but when it comes to vampire loving freaks she would straightforwardly say what she thinks about vampires. She can easily get jealous and when she's mad she would just give them her silent treatment which is very evident to her friends since she's usually a very playful and cheerful. 

Biggest Fears ► Heights

                              ►Music from Music Box- She finds it creepy especially because she loves watching horror movies.

                              ►Snakes- She is scared of being bitten by one

Rational Thinking ►She believes in ghosts, werewolves, curses etc. but she doesn't believe in vampires. She thinks that there is no possible way that a vampire can be real. She also doesn't believe in unicorns.

Death ►No and yes :D... I don't really wanna see/read my character dying but dying would make the story more interesting *evil laughs*.... 

Appearance ►If I were to choose, it would be either Choi JungMi, Lee Jung Ha or Mikki.



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