Ex-Boyfirend's Step Dad

I'm just going to come out and say this......


Okay, I'm good. He's FREAKING AWESOME! He's like a dad to me in a way but also a big brother. I know it's kind of creepy, but, he's like, the best guy you'll ever meet. He makes me SUPER DUPER happy. He makes my day when no one else can. I can always talk to him about stuff, even if it is about his son in law. Even though I've only known him for a few days, I feel like I've known him longer. I know I can always trust him with stuff and go to him for any help. He's really funny, nice, sweet and caring. Also, he's a creepy (; LOVE CHU~ I don't know what to put on here because everything is in my heart and is hiding from me to tell how awesome he is! And also, so he can read this XD


In a non-creepy way XD

Okay well, I'm adding more XD

I just can't believe how I really am comfortable with this stuff XD Like, I trust him with things and I just don't know. He's just the best ever :D

I was having a terrible day today and I just wanted to break down and cry. The whole time I really wanted to talk to him. I was going to have my ex in class that day and I was kind of nervous about that but I knew that would help make my day. 


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