☆ミ kryptonite ▌application

☆ミ application.



Full name : Park Yeon Ju
Nick name : Joo; her family started calling her Joo, mainly because in their family, there is another relative that has the same name, that is, Yeonju. Ever since then, Yeonju would introduce herself as "Joo".
Birthdate : May 23rd, 1991
Blood type : O
Birthplace : Gyeongi-do, Seoul
Hometown : Suwon, Gyeongi-do
Ethnicity : Korean

Ulzzang name : Park Sora
Ulzzang appearance links : [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Back up ulzzang name : Hong Eun Ji
Back up ulzzang appearance links : [x] [x] [x]
Height : 168cm
Weight : 49kg

Personality :

Yeonju is a very free-spirited girl. She often does not let her problems bring her down (or anyone else for that matter) but instead takes them as constructive criticism and uses them to grow stronger. Yeonju, like her name, exuberate independence and sophistication. Growing up, she always faced a lot of bullying because she rarely associated herself with the rest of the kids, content with just playing by herself. It never brought her down though; she took her differences with pride and would often hide her emotions with an expressionless look, which often irks her school mates. By doing so, people who do not know Yeonju very well would say that she is the epitome of an ice princess - one that could even rival SNSD's Jessica!

Too many times people mistook her as quiet and hard to approach but she is actually one of the friendliest people you will ever meet. Once you get past the image that was stuck onto her, she oozes with love (in the literal sense as well!). She loves happy atmospheres and would tend to be the tension-breaker because she simply gets restless and uncomfortable when it's too quiet. She has the tendency to blurt out ridiculous things when she is too tired and delirious from the lack of sleep (which only happens like once in a blue moon).

Yeonju is a hardworking girl that does not stop until she is satisfied with her work: she strives for satisfaction and perfection. IN short, she is a perfectionist. She works really well under pressure though that can only last for up to two hours; if it over-exceeds two hours, Yeonju would often end up crying in frustration. Yeonju is a wonderful listener and a God-awful advisor! She can never sugarcoat things and would often blurt them out as it is (and this often gets her in trouble too!). She can be seen as off-putting for some people because her jokes are weird and her attitude makes her stand out like a sore thumb. But when she is on the stage, Yeonju becomes this mysterious and seductive woman who lures people in to their fandom, with her fluttering looks and knee-buckling smile.

Yeonju is the type of girl that really believes in her gut feelings; for example, if she dislikes a person, nothing that person does will ever be right in her eyes. This is the bad side of Yeonju - she is as stubborn as a mule and would often get into trouble because of it. If she believes she is supporting the right case, she will not be afraid to admit it and even when a lot of questions are thrown in her face, she would never falter with her decisions and would even put her two cents in it. Yeonju becomes a rather sensitive woman when she is on her period - every little thing can make her cry. When she gets angry, Yeonju would often take a deep breath and try to calm herself down but when she is on her period, she would not hesitate to bite your head off if you piss her off, even if it was accidentally.

Likes :

  • Tea
  • Pavlovas
  • Green apples and peaches
  • Sticky candies
  • Balloons - all shapes and sizes
  • Children
  • Fashion

Dislikes :

  • Creepy crawlies - bugs and insects in general!
  • the smell of blood
  • Coffee
  • Getting less than 3 hours of sleep
  • Her electronic devices running out of batteries!
  • Being left out

Habits :

  • Touches the back of her neck when she is nervous
  • Chewing her straw
  • When it gets too hot, Joo likes being on the floor
  • Joo gets embarrassed when a guy looks at her directly in the eyes
  • When Joo sees children, she would often make sure she gets to say hi to them or get them to kiss her cheeks and give her a hug
  • Before she sleeps, she will always clean her room
  • When she gets too tired, she would often address people with honorifics

Hobbies : 

  • Using the internet
  • Going grocery shopping
  • checking out allkpop and youtube
  • updating her social network accounts
  • reading books, especially cooking books

Background : Yeonju was born in to a family that absolutely loved music. Her father was a music teacher in a primary school and her mother loved singing during events/weddings. As a little girl growing up, Yeonju would always be fascinated with how fun performing was and always wanted to be like her parents. When she first started singing, she was still in middle school at that time - she sang because as a punishment for coming late to class and her teacher complimented her voice, saying that for a young girl like her, she could hold her key very well. Her teacher then told her to sign up to the music/choir club - that was the starting point for her. Her parents would often support her in the best way they could - her father would often teach her how to play the musical instruments (but so far, she only loves playing the keyboard) and her mother would often bring her to a lot of events and both of them would sing together.
Family : Park Hyun Woo ; 54 years old | Jung Boram ; 46 years old

Background : Yeonju spent three years as a trainee in SM. She was approached during a local singing competition back in Suwon and she was told to go for an official audition in the main building. Soon, Yeonju taken in as a trainee in SM though she was sent to Starlight Academy where she trained with fellow singers (Sunny and Junsu). But after three years of not even making in to the finalized list, she decided to move to Barbie Entertainment, which coincidentally at that time, was having auditions as well.
Time : 3 years under SM and 1 year under Barbie Ent.

  • Back up dancers for f(x) and SNSD
  • Appeared in DBSK's Wrong Number MV
  • Had a cameo appearance in Super Junior's movie

On stage.
Stage name : Joo; mainly because she feels Joo suited her better than Yeonju.
Position : jack of all trades + visual
Back-up position : main rapper + main vocalist
Fan-club name : Seirios (Ancient greek for 'glowing') - her fans are her strength - their words of encouragement keeps her going on. They are her stars when her night is dark and the sun to her life.
Fan club color :
golden rod
Fan club symbol : this.

Singing : [x] [x]
Rapping [x] [x]
Dancing : [x] [x]

Friends : Lee Soo Jung (Baby Soul) | 20 years old | Her best friend since she was a kid | Soo Jung is a very hardworking girl that does not know when to stop trying to best herself - in short, she's the same like Yeonju - a perfectionist. Together, they would make a killer duo. Due to the fact that Soo Jung is under WoollimEnt and Yeonju is in Barbie Ent, they would always make sure they meet up every weekend to catch up! The both of them confide with each other.

Lee Howon (Hoya) | 21 years old | Yeonju got to know Hoya from Soojung. She only got to meet Hoya when she visited Soojung whilst she was recording for Infinite H's song 'crying'. At that time, they were talking about some random stuff and Yeonju put her two cents in and Hoya finds her very hilarious. Ever since then, they had become the best of friends. Yeonju sees Hoya as the big brother she never had.

Sunhwa (SECRET) | 21 years old | Sunhwa and Yeonju met at a convience store. They bonded over dairy products and would often bicker with each other about which products are better. They have a love-hate relationship with each other but they would always be there for one another, though if someone tells them that they were really friendly with each other, they would deny it. Whenever these two are together, it's much better than watching a drama on TV.

Enemy : Victoria, f(x) | It all started when they were trainees together. Victoria used to be a person that she looked up to but ever since she debuted and Yeonju moved to another company, Victoria has never contacted her nor has she made any efforts to reach out to Yeonju. Yeonju would often try to call Victoria whenever she could but all the time, her phone calls were never answered. She then realized that Victoria had changed her number and whenever they see each other, both would just look away and pretended that they do not know each other. Somewhere along the lines of that, they became enemies - in nearly everything.
Past lovers : Kwang Min Sook (OC)
Reasons : He was getting too clingy with the relationship. Partly the reason why they broke up is because Yeonju feels suffocated whenever he is around. She feels that all he ever thinks is about himself and how he, at times, would use her. Another reason they broke up was because Yeonju felt like she was wearing the pants in the relationship. He was getting too serious - talks about marriages and kids! - and Yeonju was not ready for that. They broke up but he still continues to act and talk like they are together. Yeonju really dislikes him, so much so, she had a restraining order against him.
Partner : Lu Han | Kim Junsu | Bang Yong Guk
Love Story :  

Luhan ; When Yeonju first saw Luhan, she always thought he was exceptionally beautiful, with his baby-face and how his eyes seemed to look deep into your soul. Being the girl that Yeonju was, whenever Luhan would try to speak with her (with much difficulty), she always sputtered nonsense because Luhan kept on staring directly in her eyes. Luhan actually finds that endearing but before the both of them could get to know each other better, Yeonju moved to Barbie Entertainment. They met again when they were backstage. Yeonju and her fellow members just so happened to be promoting their current song and Exo(K&M) were there as well. Luhan was the first one to greet her and he made it his mission to always get Yeonju to talk to him because he liked seeing her flustered look. Whenever they are on a show together, Luhan would always make sure he gets partnered or sits beside Yeonju. He really likes teasing her and the reaction he has on her. Things started to change between the two of them when Yeonju became well-known, along with the group she was in and he starts to see the fans as his rival in her 'love'. That was when he realized that he had really liked Yeonju ever since he had seen her back during the trainee days.

Junsu; Yeonju has always respected Junsu as a singer. Though she never got the chance to actually be in the same batch as him but she has heard stories about his hardships as a trainee and what he has gone through. Before she could officially meet him, the whole JYJ / DBSK thing happened. She actually met Junsu when she was at Junsu's father's pizza restaurant on one late night. She was surprised to see a lot of Junsu's pictures on the walls and she was looking at it one by one, making comments to no one in particular. She was so engrossed in looking at the pictures that she didn't realize that Junsu was beside her, amused by her comments about him. He interupted her train of thoughts and Yeonju got so flustered she said something embarrassing and Junsu found her to be very adorable.

 Yong Guk; Yeonju met Yong Guk when Zelo and him were filming for their Never Give Up music video. At that time, she thought it would be good to appear as a back-up dancer there and after getting permission, she was there along with SECRET's HyoSung. Sunhwa was the one who told her about the back-up dancer thing and she was there to support her friend. Out of all the guys, Yong Guk is the only guy where Yeon Ju can actually stare at him directly in the eyes, mainly because Yong Guk would always gets flustered whenever Yeonju looks at him. Sunhwa kept on teasing Yong Guk and Yeonju and Yeonju would always end up blushing and laughing it off. They met again when B.A.P was performing their song, Power and at that time, Yeonju was walking around, trying to get rid of her nerves and when she saw Yong Guk, she immediately approached him. The members were surprised their 'tough' leader made a fool out of himself and the both of them began to get teased.
Username : dumplingcheeks_
Link : click me!


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