Oh, stop you .

Oh my god . This - this . AAAUUURGH . This crush just . Just .

I still like him . I still do . So, it's been quite awhile that I returned from sports camp . And, I realised how cute he was and how FLUFFY his hair was and it was nice to see him smile and laugh at a joke and it made me have butterflies or maybe even whales or even bumblebees fluttering inside of my tummy. See, the campers were actually listening to SJAB talk about some eyeball that rolled out of the socket , and they told us that we should stuff the eyeball under our tongue  (EWWWW) and my friend , Faye , made a joke about it asking what happens if we swallow it and then he , who was sitting beside me was trying not to laugh loudly but still was laughing and and it was SO CUTEEEEE and yeah . 

And then , at the night hike at MacRitchie reservoir , I kept hearing his duckie voice . (Chh'yeah, it sounds like a duck , somewhat like Youngmin's ) shouting directions . And and he had the same color glow bracelet as me. Heheh . Oh my goshhh , thinking of him makes me hyperrrrr . Sorry peeps ! 

Then the next day , all of us had to swap CCAs and we were in the same group ! HECK YEAAAAH ! Anyway , before that , and before the morning jog we had to do , Faye challenged me to look at his , and uh well, you know ..  Sorry uh ! It's not my fault that I'm infatuated by him , kay! Ohkaaay , a little too shiok sendiri , hahahs . Stuff happens . Anyway , comment if you have any questions ! ;)


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