Hope is A Dream That Doesn't Sleep was played in a grocery store!

well yeah, what my title says. XD anyway, I was practicing my driving when my father asked me to park in Parco, a grocery store here in the Philippines. Anyway, as told, I parked the car and I, together with my younger brother and father, went out of the car and got in to the grocery store. 

Of course we got a cart and I started walking around with my brother. My father went to pee first. lol. We were walking when I finally opened my ears to hear what's playin'. Well I always try to guess the title of the songs when the familiar song struck me. 

I started hitting my brother in his left arm and told him "ISN'T THAT BEBE'S VOICE?" (Well I call Kyu as Bebe. just give me this one, okay? lol) 

and he was like, "oh right!!!" he grinned and I started giggling by myself and so I've decided to bury my face on my brother's back. What an embarrassing older sister am I. face palm. >.< 

so instead of walking like a normal person, I started skipping a little to let out my happiness. hahahaha! then I found my father getting a Gatorade, so I walked up to him and told him about the song that was still playing. 

"Pa, did you know that that was Kyuhyun's voice?" and he was like, 

"yeah, I know.'

'WHAT?! HE KNOWS?! HOW THE HELL DID HE KNOW?!' my mind goes. Well my father likes Siwon... so I'm shocked to hear that he knows it was Kyu who was singing. 


"how'd you know?" I then asked him, he said: "you were playing it in the car" and I was like.... =.= he thought it was SM The Ballad. well~ at least he knew it was Kyu!! <3


that's all~ lol. 


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i call kyuhyun as bebe too unnie!
lucky! =.= i live in the USA and there arent any super markets that i know of who plays kpop songs :(
hahahahaha NIIICCCCCEEE that must have been soo cool! xD the only place i've seen play kpop was this korean restaurant but it only played you're beautiful tracks x3 OMG i would love to hear suju every time i go to buy groceries ;D haha another achievement of the hallyu wave <3
hahahahah why Bebe?
You are all so lucky >O<
I know just ONE Bubble tea shop near my place which place Kpop Songs but it's still sooooo far away from me....
How I wish I would walk in the Suprtmarket and Kpop song's were playin'
*dreams* I'm jealous XD
What Parco??????
Just like in Puregold and South Supermarket~
They also play SJ songs!