Something I've Learned

Something I've learned yesterday, after God spoke through my sister about Satan and taught me another lesson about being a daughter and follower of Our Father...^^



Sometimes, Satan can mess with you. And God lets him.

But here's the catch - Satan does that only to rising believers. Not believers fully in touch with God, for they're too strong. Not disbelievers; rather, he blesses them the best he can so that they may stray further and further from God. That's why the saying "The good only happens to the bad" can exist; it's because Satan is their personal "god" without them even knowing.

But for Rising Believers, since they're just starting to grasp Our Father's hand, he does everything he can to try to step on our weak, baby Christian hearts so that we can quickly back out from God's promise due to the growing hardships. This is often Satan's weapon, besides the fact that he can twist anything to make it extremely vulgar once we speak it aloud (for he can't read our thoughts; he can only mess with what we speak aloud, hence "Think before you talk").

Satan did this to me just yesterday, for Saturday's Living Life has been deleted twice before I could finish and/or even save it and put it onto Private, thus making me very, very annoyed. Despite my heart, I thought and became fully convinced that maybe God didn't want me to do this, and I questioned why He didn't.

Why was He letting Satan bother me?

Is He just trying to test my intentions?

Just what am I doing wrong?

But turns out, according to my sister, who was used as a mouthpiece of God...

Maybe I am on the right track. On the right track collecting my rewards for proclaming out some of the Good News through AFF, whether people read it or not (for I just have to let Him handle it, it says in the Word), for since I am, Satan is trying his best to veer me away from it by making me annoyed. Whether I know it or not, I'm a Rising Believer, which I am very glad since God saved me thru the death and sacrifice of His Son...

I'll keep trying, no matter what Satan does to try to make me waver - having no views, no comments, or deleting my work asfbasufiobidfb 247312984724 times. If something gets deleted, it's only wasted time if I think like it, right? Oh bless my sister and, more importantly, God XD

I learned such an important lesson through that...

Satan really can trick you through so many ways...Even something like on AFF or your iPhone can make you distanced from God, because it's such a temptation from Satan that it can get you to start idolizing something other than God.

And yes, obsessive fangirling is idolizing.

I've caught myself doing that all too many times, and gasping and falling in love over something so superficial [i.e., a stranger's good looks] that I'm trying to not be too obsessed with k-pop anymore. K-Pop in itself can be your own god/demon if you fall too deep.

Stay right in your position. Stick with God, until He comes down.


Or else...


What will you say later, when you see Him face to face, and He asks,

"Why should I let you in my kingdom?"

Stay faithful, guys~ ^^ <3

And fight the good fight against our number one enemy!



[P.S.: I've used a pic of IU and Suzy because my sis looks like IU and I kinda look like Suzy according to my mom haha ^^;;]


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Holy crap. This is exactly what I'm going through... Wow.
I myself, am trying not to be too obsessed with K-pop because it's true,
Kpop can be your demon.
same here. that has been my struggle all these time.
and i thank God that He has given me the strenth to lessen my addictness to kpop.
let's just keep the faith. and i will pray for you.
God bless!!