Caramel Apple APP!~

(Ulzzang is Jang Hae Byeol)


AFF Username : Its_JangMi123

AFF Profile Link : CLICK ME!


Character's Name : Park JaeMi

Age : 15

Birthday : 2/24

Languages : Korean, Japanese

Ethnicity : Korean

Personality :

JaeMi has a 4D personality. At times, she can be crazy, loud, or quiet and reserved. She can be cute and aegyo-ish, or charismatic and cool. She is very competitive that often its scary. She doesn't like keeping still and will often find alternative ways to entertain herself. At times, she will want attention, when very rarely, she will want to stay unnoticed. Despite her baby face, she is scary and violent when provoked. Being raised by mostly boys, she has a very tomboyish attitude and style. She hates pink and girly things(unless its food). She is almost always seen with candy or some other sweet in . Since she was around boys a lot, she has a habit of calling girls 'noona' and calling boys h'hyung' because she thinks they sound cooler.

Since she's very tomboyish, she hangs out with mostly boys, which earned her the name "player" among people she doesn't associate with. Actually, she has had a few boyfriends, but she has never had her first kiss. She is secretly a hopeless romantic who is, at times, boy-crazy.








~spicy food

~horror movies

~romantic things









Habits :

~puffs up her cheeks

~pouts when confused or unhappy

~bounces when excited

~yells when unhappy or excited(i.e. when she loses or wins)

~calls girls 'noona' and calls boys 'hyung'

Allergies :



Father : Park HyunSoo-53-actor

Mother : Park SangHee-50-model

Siblings : Park JaeSon-17-brother-barista, Park JongHyuk-19-brother-designer, Park JungSoo-16-brother-student

Family Background :

JaeMi was mostly raised by her brothers, since her parents usually had work or were out of the country for business. Since her brothers were all fans of rap, she has grown accustomed to it. At the age of 6, Her eldest brother noticed her talent in rapping. When she was 10, they encouraged her to enter talent competitions. When she was 12, she entered an underground rap group. At 13, she was scouted at a talent competition where she placed 1st in rapping, 2nd in dancing, and 2nd in singing.


The Stage You 

Stage Name : Jae

Positions : Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, vocalist

Trainee Background :

At 13, JaeMi was one of the younger trainees. Because of this, she was teased a lot. It made her strive harder, and she became one of SM's top trainees. She went through most of her trainee days alone, or with her male trainee friends. On days where she had free time, she would write songs and practice dancing.


Crush : BAP's Zelo :3

Back-up Crush : Teen Top's Changjo

Rivals : SNSD's YoonA

Best Friend : BAP's Zelo

Friends : BAP's Yongguk, Teen Top's Ricky and Changjo


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