Review for shineesunflowers


The Doll With Ramen Hair by shineesunflowers

Reviewed by Imza

Title: (9/10) 
it was eye-catching and the first thing I thought of was Zelo and I was right XD

Appearance: (4/10)
its fine I guess, but your first chapter emits a scary aura so it should have been darker, it was fluffy too but it shouldve been kinda scarier

Description and Foreword: (13/15) 

Originality: (9/10)
I think this isnt the first time I read something like this

Flow: (9/10) 

Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation: (20/20) 
very good :)
Characterization: (7/10) 

Writing: (9/10)

Bonus: (4/5)
I have to say, I enjoyed it

Total: (84/95)

note: It's a good story :) actually I got scared at first cos I'm really a scaredy-cat but it turns out to be fun. hwaiting! :)


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