Review for yummy_cupcakes


Does He Love Me? [OneShot] by yummy_cupcakes

Reviewed by Nicole

Title (2/5)
The title is quite normal…

Poster/Trailer (-/5)
Well since there’s no poster, I’m going to leave this empty

Foreword and Descriptions (7/10) 
You did well here… A few spelling mistakes here…

Originality (7/10)
It’s actually quite original to me… Good job

Writing Style (7/10)
Your writing style is unique… Keep it up!

Flow (6/10)
The flow is okay… Try improving it…

Plot (15/20)
I love your plot… Great job

Grammar and Spelling (17/20)
Well… The grammar is okay but there’re a few spelling mistakes here and there… Not a big deal…

Ending (8/10)
Well, I love happy endings… A bonus for you!

Total: 69/95 = 73/100

B : 60-74


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