[APP] Zodiac


Username: ChOrCeE

Profile Link: My Profile~!



General Info

Name: Yoo YoungIl

Nicknames: Youngie

Age: 15 y/o

 Date of Birth: 03 March

Starsign: Pisces

Hometown:  Vancouver , Canada

 Ethnicity: Korean-Canadian

Height: 169cm

Weight: 47kg

Blood Type: A+

Languages: Fluent in French , Korean and English | Basic in Japanese and Mandarin



Inner Shell



       YoungIl will be the most creative of all the people you'll ever met. Being born deeply gifted and talented is her good qualities and what others likes about her. Much of her creativity comes from the fact that she is deeply sensitive and emotional towards other's.  She is extremely giving and charitable, and always willing to lend a hand to a friend or a loved-one. She's also a good listener and is excellent in giving and heeding advices.Though she's almost perfect , she suffers from her shy and modest nature . For not wanting to draw attention by herself . Even is she's already an idol she still suffer from this trait to some extent of forcing herself into the limelight where her talents can be seen and appreciated. YoungIl is almost always very diplomatic. Her deep sensitivity towards the feelings of others gives her a keen awareness of what they will say, how they say it, and what others want to hear.
      At work, while creativity lends itself most obviously to the typical creative disciplines of music, art, writing and acting . YoungIl has many different professions apply of their unique abilities to creative problem-solving and original solutions. As such, she performs well in many different professional areas , particularly those involving people-skills.That's why she must always be careful not to react too negatively to criticism, and to not allow opposition to affect her emotionally.
Inlove , she is made for deep and fulfilling relationships. Her amazing ability to perceive the moods, thoughts and emotions of others gives her a profound ability to relate to her loved ones with a deep level of understanding. YoungIl's generosity and selflessness know no bounds when she is in love and in a committed relationship. Because she is known as a dreamer however, there is always the possibility of being led astray. And because she is so concerned with hurting the feelings of her partner , if YoungIl led astray she tend to become deeply secretive.

 Likes: Arts | Stars | Music | Skateboards | Musical Instruments

Dislikes: Dark places | Messy things | Bitter foods

Hobbies: Cleaning | Composing | Playing any instruments | Listening to music | Skateboarding | Stargazing | Sketching

Habits: Scratching her head when embarrassed | Sepaks in english when stratled | Covering when laughing

Trivia: Broked an arm when skateboarding | Fails at winking | A fan girl of her brother's groups | Cleans whenever she sees something untidy | Always seen carrying her skateboard/Sketch pad whenever she is | Never complains when someone told her to do something for their favor. | Her favourite instruments include the traditional one,the violin,the guitar and the piano. | Has great vocals but rarely sings | Her body is very flexible | Her specialty is BBoying and poppin.| Has an asthma



Outer Shell

Ulzzang: SeulKi

Links or Images: One | Two | Three

Back Up: Kim JeeIn

Links or Images: One | Two | Three



Family members:

Mother ->

Yoo IlHee l 45 l A famous doctor in Canada l

Father ->

Yoo YoungChan l 47  l A successful businessman l

Siblings ->

Yoo YoungJae l 18 l Idol from the group B.A.P l

Yoo ChangHyun [Ricky] | 17 | Idol from the group TeenTop 

Childhood background:

      She grew up seperately from her brothers and her father.. Her mom and her lived in Vancouver for the 10 years of her life.. While her brothers YoungJae and ChangHyun tries to visit them there every vacation.. Though they all rarely sees each other they have a very close bond that anyone could see. Though living in a foreign country was a little hard for she has a few friends to talk to she became a loner and only spends her time for herself.. At the age of 11 they flew back to Korea and started her life anew.. Adjusting wasn't easy for her so she started to have her hard days again. Thanks to her brothers who was there for her.. 


Bang YongGuk l 22 l Idol l B.A.P l He looks intimidating but he's really soft and loving.

Ahn Daniel [Niel] | 19 | Idol | TeenTop | He's very talkative and spontaneous.

Best Friends:


Choi JunHong[Zelo]  l 16 l Idol l B.A.P l He's fun loving and sweet. 
Choi ChangJo | 17 | Idol | TeenTop | He's a little shy but is very protective when it comes to his friends.


Oh HaYoung | 16 | Idol | APINK| She's very competitative but a nice girl. She's good friends with YoungIl but they're great rivals in Music.



Trainee life

[x]Scouted []Auditioned

Trainee Experience: The staff's and co-trainees and her Sunbaes treted her very kindly. But due to her shy nature she rarely mingles with the crowd . 

Years: 3. 2 for her training in TS and 1 in SMent.

Previous Agencies?: TS Entertainment.

Trained in:

[]Acting [x]Singing [x]Dance [x]Composition []Languages



Debut Info

Stage Name: Adina

Star Sign: Pisces

Position: Lead/Main Dancer | Composer

Personal Fan club: HeARtZ - as she named them for she says that they will always be inside her heart.

 Fan club color: Coral Red | #FF4040



Love life

Love Interest: Moon JongUp [B.A.P]

 How you met: They met at TS when she was looking for her brother YoungJae she met him instead. SHe being shy to ask fro direction just walked incircles. He noticed her and so he ask if she needed something and there she blurted it out and he helped her find him as he knew where his Bestfriend is. 

How you act around each other: They became good friends after the incident and so they act comfortably with each other.

 Scene request: A scene where her asthma attacks and at that time they were both hanging out for their break time. She didn't bring her nebulizer with her.

 Back Up Love Interest: Kim YooKwon [Block B]

How You Met: They met at N tower.. Where she accidentally spilled her ice cream on him.. She hurriedly apologized and he just said it's okay.. 

How you act around each other: She's very embarrassed when he's around ,on the other hand he felt happy seeing her presence.

Scene Request: He would be passing by and will see the two.. He would notice something worng and so he'll decide to approach and when he knew the probelm he'll be in his Panic mode and ..... [you could continue for me..^^]




Debut Song: It could be : #1 or  #2  .. It's up for you to choose. [It's sooo hard to find co-ed groups songs..-_-]

Fanclub Name: SiGnz

Fanclub Color: Cadet  |#536872

Other: Maybe each member would have an accessory /a tattoo or something which contains each of their star signs symbol.

Password: :D


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