Can you guys indentify this music?

I already search for this music for a quite long time.. I know, if I'm knowledgeable about music, I'm sure have the answer right now.. Sorry of my ignorance. So, any of you can help me identify this music played on 1: 08??


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Above is the link of that video.... 1:08.. thanks...


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Guys! Good news! My friend [mizanimation] found the song! The title is Rain by Ryuichi Sakamoto! Thanks to everyone who help!!!<br />
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Thanks... Than you guys for helping me.. I really2 appreciate it...<br />
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wertias: yes.. I heard it there too.... but yeah, it's an old show... maybe kinda hard to find..<br />
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kiera: Omo! Thanks! for giving me the link! I already search the music according that blog but still no luck.. But, Thank you so much!
Here is the link:
YATTA~~ Searched for this one.<br />
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Try the songs to find the OST you are looking for<br />
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aha! i got it! sorry it's not an answer though~ but i remember where i usually hear this music~ it's from a korean TV show 'love letter'. kang ho dong is the MC. but it's an old show already. they always play this music when the guys are trying to catch the rose thrown by a girl.<br />
i'm really sorry~ i'm not even a help..><" hope you'll find out the answer soon!
Iefa~ i've heard that music before but i really couldn't remember where...maybe i heard that in a drama before? aish...i can't think? all that came in my mind when i heard that music is that the was some 'fighting over something scene' or a 'falling scene'.
ah, really??? wait.. I'll try again...
mizanimation #8
I would love to help, but then there's no video.