Destiny On The Subway Story.

To all my lovely and supportive readers, 

I know you guys must be so anxious for the last chapter of the story and why isn't it out yet. 

So sorrrrrrrry to keep you awesome peeps waiting as now I'm currently on internship so there are alot of things to do. And I'm kinda stuck in the story. Trying my very best to make it as wonderful and perfect for you readers as possible. So please be patient with me. :) After a week of pondering and writing, I only managed to come up with 800+ words. A chapter that I write ranges from 1900-3000 words. So 800+ is bad, really really bad. 

Thanks for all your kind support! I hope to come up with the last chapter as soon as possible! 



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chesirepuppy #1
Good luck!!! :)
chomelodies #2
Good luck for you! i'll wait :)
I'll wait for you! <3 Good luck!
good luck about that and i'll patiently wait for the next chapter to be up :3