EXTREMELY cheesy Avatar: The Last Airbender post here. Read at your own risk.

Can I be cheesy for a minute?

A:TLA is more than just a show, it's really taught me a lot. Aang has taught me that you can't change the past but you can make things right in the future. Zuko has taught me that there is good in everyone and that you can change. Katara has taught me that you can't fight hate with hate. Sokka has taught me that you may not necessarily be the strongest or the fastest, but as long as you have heart you're still one of the greatest fighters. Toph has taught me that anything is possible and you shouldn't let things stop you. Rokku has taught me that no matter what, you always have to do the right thing. Ozai and Azula taught me to fight for what I believe is right 100% (despite the fact that they were totally evil/crazy). 

A:TLA isn't just some dumb cartoon that you lose braincells on like Spongebob (even though it's funny). A:TLA actually teaches you things. It's deep and it really talks about things that are important to everyone. 

I love A:TLA.

I just had to say this.


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joanna_227 #1
There's Zutara, Kataang...etc. But is there ever a Zumo [Zuko + Momo ] (Sumo)xD
I don't watch it anymore, but I'm still a HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE shipper of the Zutara (Zuko/Katara) pairing. ^^