Tagged by exo_ed



1 | Post the rules

2 | Answer the set of questions the tagger gave you in their post. After answering them, make your own eleven questions.

3 | Tag eleven people and link them to your post.

4 | Let them know you tagged them! (Wall post, PM, airmail--lol, jk.)


  1. What's the first word popped in your head when you read this blogpost? to be honest, nothing .__.
  2. Am I your friend? ;A; (lol sorry just bored) ....................no. 8D LOL of course yes! I already know your for 3 years... I think >_>
  3. What do you expect me to write for my next story? I NEED KRISHAN ;A;
  4. What's your most favorite fics? Can you recommend some for me? I think I already recommend you some >_> Oh you should read one that titled "EXO Story" 8'D (Y)
  5. What's your dream? Too much ouo
  6. Are you happy with your life? Not really, but just live your life XD
  7. If you had a chance of a rencarnation, what/who do you want to be? I want to be a guy ._.
  8. If your bias got into an accident, he/she's dying, and you got a day to stay with him for a whole day, what will you do? Most of all I would act calm in front of him/her even deep inside my heart I would like "OMAAAAGAAAAH!!!" You understand what I mean, right? >_> Then I would take care of him/her. Start from feeding them food, talk to them, and many many more 8')
  9. If you're given only a moment to say something to him/her? I love you ;____;
  10. What's your desktop/phone's homescreen? (orz bored) Currently is IU :3
  11. Any good songs to recommend? :3 IU's Last Fantasy, SNSD's Time Machine, and I could recommend many songs by Taylor Swift BD

Lazy to tag again -w-



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