This is why I hate getting sick

For those that don’t know, “hives” are a skin rash that results in red, bumpy and itchy as skin and usually crops up in the face of an allergy. I’ve had this before, but it’s been rare, small and goes away with some Benadryl. Starting yesterday I got a really bad case of it- all over my body and it wouldn’t go away, and then this morning I nearly passed out 3 times within 15 minutes of each other and decided that I needed to get myself to a doctor ASAP.

My symptoms amounted to- hives, dizziness, low blood pressure, elevated heart rate, and high white blood cell count, and my doctor could not make sense of it. So he recommended that I go to the ER.

So my mom drove me out to the hospital and my little sister tagged along because she’s an angel and wanted to keep me company. It wasn’t that bad as far as waits go, I guess it took about an hour and a half before I got into a room (and of course during that wait I was signed it, got a bracelet, saw a nurse etc.). The doctors didn’t really know what was wrong with me either, they said that the hives were probably due to a food allergy- which makes no sense because I haven’t eaten anything that I don’t normally consume in great quantities- and they put me on some kind of steroid to get rid of them. They said that the fainting was probably caused by lack of fluids and the like so they stuck an IV in me.

I. Effing. Hate. Needles.

I admit- I cried when the stuck the thing in my arm, but only because it ing burned. So I had that in for about an hour I guess, during which time I tried to ignore the thing in my arm and listened to “Dr. Feel Good” (the irony is not lost on me, trust me) and assorted 4 minute songs on loop. IV fluid is cold and it made my entire right arm tingly and awkward feeling, which was not pleasant. Then the drip finished, but the needle was still in and my blood started to back up into the tube- which was gross and very cool at the same time. So the doctor came back and injected some fluid into the IV and my blood got pushed back into my vein and I was just like, “EEEW!! Gross, recycling!!!” admittedly it was my own blood, but still! So yeah. Then the fluid was gone and it happened again, and by this point I was freaking out and I was practically screaming for someone to take the damn thing out of my arm. So after pushing my blood back in a second time (nothing cool about it the second time, then it just becomes gross) the doctor finally took it out. It hurt a lot less than putting it in did, but it still hurt.

Any who, I still have no idea WHAT THE HELL I’m so allergic to, but hopefully this is a one-time thing and it’ll be gone by tomorrow (haha yeah right).

All in all I think I’m most pissed that I didn’t get to spend the day learning the dance to “Dr. Feel Good” as I had originally wanted to do ;_____;  


Just want to stress that I am 100% fine now, in fact I probably didn't even need to go to the ER- it was more of a "better safe than sorry" kind of thing. But yeah, the medicine is doing it's job and I'm felling A LOT better.


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wow you had a very long day<br />
i hope that you get better and no more needles need to be injected into your body