the First One ??

Hello . . . This is the first time I post a blog ~ It's been a while since I being the member in AFF~ ‎​\("▔□▔)/ Even my first post *this one* Also from my smartphone~ LOLs~~ So, as this is the first entry ~~ I hope I gonna receive much comment & suggestion from you all~~ *waving* a newbie here~~ \(^▽^)/ Thank You . 고마워요 . ♡ P.S : if have smth private / any matter, just write on my wall / sent msgs to me~ You're so welcome for that!!! Love Ya ! ♡


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@kpopartory . Thankyu~~ anw, just so confused what to post here~~ hahaha~<br />
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@jungminian0403 thankyu~ then u're my new family too!!! \(^▽^)/
jungminian0403 #2
welcome to AFF! where you can find you new family! XD
Post away!! lol post your blog here, and your friends will read them, and most do comment!