Confused but Happy

So in my last blog "Feeling Unloved", I was talking about my day. Well, after I posted it, some things happened. The guy messaged me on Facebook saying "Hey, I just wanted you to know that I don't like you more than a friend." *heart is shattered into a million pieces once again* , he friend zoned me. Hey, it's not like we're never going to speak to each other again? Yeah, I wish my stupid heart realized that. So I cried that night and the following morning. That was the first time that I really cried at school and I wanted to be comforted. Instead of going to HOPE (gym) I went to Culinary because I know that's the one place I can find peace and just cry. So I did and my eyes were red and puffy the rest of the day. My friend Tesla, saw me crying, who also knows what is going on and is the only person that I told what happened to besides my Wife, and was with me like the whole day. Me and her have grown on each other and I know I can talk to her when I have no one else. 

I was hanging out with her at lunch and we were walking and I saw him with the Canada girl. What. The. . I went on a rampaged. I was yelling and punching the out of things. The thing was, he saw me doing some of it. o.o I had class with him while I was still rampaging but I calmed myself down enough to face him in class and see where we stand. We stood the same as always, friends that still like each other. We goofed around like always and everything was alright.

My Wife and I went the football game (Friday) . The guy, (Dylan) is apart of the football team, so yeah, that's mainly why I wanted to go xD But anyways, this did not want to talk to us! Jerk face -.- After the game they go in and they can like pass you, so, he walked right on by. I stuck my tongue out at him and he flicked me off! I had my mouth wide open and I followed him (with my face/eyes/whatever) till he went into the locker room. Okay, wow, jerk! The thing was, his step father saw it! He was shaking his head so my Wife and I went over and talked with him and his Wife (Dylan's mom). His step dad is funnier than Hell! xD So yeah, we're talking and making fun of Dylan and the other football team. Dylan comes out and we're off and we bid our goodbyes.

The weirdo that I am adds him on Facebook and so does my Wife. I love that he actually acknowledge us as Wives XD

The following (Yesterday/ Saturday) I'm talking to his father and my friend (Oh my gosh, I keep typing "friend" as "fireind". Every single time I keep typing it wrong xD) Tesla (as mentioned above) messaged me on Facebook saying "GUESS WHAT!?" I'm like what? Are you going out with somebody and she's replies that she talked with Dylan. I'm like........ What in the world, is going on?! I'll show you the conversation that they had. (Things might get a little weird)

Dylan starts out saying "hi"




        • hi

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills


        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          how are you?

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Good you ?

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          im good thank you :)blank.gif


          How is your weekend so far?

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Boering, yours ?

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          same lol

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Wait a min. Are you the Dylan that was talking to Ashley Bell ??

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut


        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Mmmm. We have alot to talk about, you got like 10 min ?

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut


        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Why dont you like her anymore ? & how you gunna go from Ash;ey to Canida ??

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          i dont like canada and me and ashley are just friends

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Why did you lead her on like that then ?


          If you didnt like hetr ?

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          i didnt lead her on i was just finding out if she liked me i told her before all this happened that i didnt like her more than a friend


          she broke my heart once

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          & why did you lie about your first kiss ? Have you had it or not ?

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          no i havent

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Yeah because she was stupid and she felt really bad about it and then she wanted to give it another try because she really liked you and then you broke her heart !


          You know all day friday she cred about you ?? I really hope that makes you feel y.

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          i didnt want to hurt her by dating her and not paying attention to her i have too much going on to have a gf she is really sweet and nice but i just dont want a relationship right now

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          now your changing your story i thought it was because you didnt like her ?

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          i dont i mean i talk to her in one class then dont see her and i barley talk to her how can i like someone i barley talk to and dont know much about them

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          You get to know them. you have a class yu talk to her in you cant be that bizzy all you have is football and school right ?

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          no i have work and lacrosse too

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          U have lunch in between classes you can see her summers coming up you live down the street from dixie right ?

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          i wont be in the state all summer

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Not being a creep ashley told me one day when we walked to my house.


          still ypu can make time talk to her on fb your just trying to make excuses up shes a really good person and its your lose

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          i can talk to her i just wont see her i know that and i do talk to her on fb when were both on but outside of that we dont talk much

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          If you really liked her you would try harder, js

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          well idk i dont want to get hurt again is my biggest problem


          ik she is sorry for everything but its hard to let go

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Forgive and move on with your life she really likes you and IF YOU WANT TO you should forgive her and give it another shot.

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          idk what i want honistly i told her to move on and she clearly didnt


          im considering it

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Do what you wanna do thats all i have to say about it.

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          ok well im gonna talk to her more and see if there is still a connection

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          If you hurt her just so you know ill fight a boy.

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          i wont

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          You better mean that.

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          i do

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Ight well thats all i had to talk to you about.

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          okay but do u actually want to talk anymore?

        Tesla Mills
        Tesla Mills

          Im really boerd so actuallly yeahh haha

        Dylan Jabaut
        Dylan Jabaut

          okay lol well jw would u like my number so we can talk aoutside of fb


      So yeah that's the legist of it. I went to him saying that I didn't agree with some of the things that were said and that I didn't cry on Friday (which is true) and that I'm sorry about it. He told me that it was okay. We went on the rest of the night talking. So, I guess me and him are going to be just fine.


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Wow, I realized that that's a terrible picture of him xD
Yeah... but I don't care if he talks to Tesla because I know she won't get with him or if he tries to she'll tell me. I trust her with texting him.
HE offered another girl his number.
That's how the with zoey started.