Bad week . ;-;

 Bad Week

 2 week holiday without my lovely teachers , crazy friends and my adorable crush. :L  ( Yes even I sometimes need to be with my crush for atleast a day or I'LL DIE COMPLETELY AND ROT IN A BOX WITH FLIES OVER ME :DD)

 It's soooo boring.. 
 I feel so lonely.. without them. And him . Including teachers . 
 I miss studying and learning in lessons. 
 I miss ignoring the horrible teachers and sneaking into other classes or ditching. 
 Man to me my life is awesome in school. More drama. More fun . More experience. More lifestyle . 
 I want to go back to school. For some apparent reason. 
 I don't get to see JayJay. :( Damn.. 

 ish week for me starting from now. Just going to communicate with friends online with no face to face talking. 
 Plus Nail left on Friday. DX Nail why do you have to go?! I'm going to miss President Obama. Obama is gone. We'll never see
 his Obama-ish face ever again. Even worse when Emz leaves.. If she leaves after our preformance I might ;

 Piss myself 
 Cry like a child
 Get mad
 Beat the out of somebody
 Or finally cry and hug somebody.

 Or I might cling onto her and still stick to her all the way until the airplane .

 Plus she promised me that when she leaves to the airport she'll dump me in a HUGE suitcase and bring me on the airplane. If the security asks what I am , she'll just say 'It's my talking puppet' . :3 It will be soo awesome if that really happens. I get to be with her forever and see Prince William or Prince Harry. 

 xoxoxoxo . Lia , Leeyah , LiLi  :3 LOVE YA!!!


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That's one bad 2 weeks off school :(
Don't die friend! D: