A little story from me... hehe

Once upon a time... There's thiz friend of mine... Let's just call her 'mawar'( u Indonesian must understand my joke haha). She message me "cuy lu beli ipad brapa? : "bro, how much ipad cost when u buy it?" so after that she ask lot's of question about ipad... Then one day, she and few of my friends came to my hostel. Well me myself never like apple so the previous case it's an ipad my mother bought i only acompacy her. Okay continue... Then she asked me"bagusan ipad ato tab si?" : "which one better, ipad or tab?" since i don't like ipad so i told her tab is better since it's cheaper and the spesification is not that different. After that... She decided to.... Stay 'galau' or 'extremely unsure. Then i told her that sooner i will leave my blackberry and bought gsII since that's the phone i dreamt for almost a year... Hmm is it? Then she change her mind and ask about s2 while i don'k know how in the end of the noon she said she's fix with note hahahaha... I called my friend that have a store near there and ask her to 'tag' gsII and note for us. She even gave us special price hehe... Now let's go to the scene... That night... When we arrived at the store we wait.. Wait.. And....... She didn't buy the note because if her 'galau' state. Day by day.. Mawar is trolled by me when i use my phone and said note can do much more than my phone. I even take a picture of note promotion on one of the mall. Gave her not brosur each day hahaha i know... Such a troll right And finally ladies and gentleman... today when we just doing our task which include a certain mall for it (we kind of discuss it at burger king) she bought.... Jeng jeng... NOTE hahaha... I don't know why i felt very happy shen she buy it... When she pay we even laugh and annoys her from behind telling most part of her 'past' to the clerk hahaha Well i relly want to expose this so yeah hahahahha


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