Application form for BnB


Contact Information:

Aff User Name: dumplingcheeks_
Profile Link: here
Character Information:
Name: Nam Yejin
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 15/04/1990
Birthplace: Washington, DC
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea.
Ethnicity: Korean
Language: Korean and English
Blood Type: B
Height: 167cm
Weight: 49kg
Basic Personality:
For someone who is 22 years old, Yejin is not what she seems. Though she may look serious most of the time, Yejin is actually a very friendly girl. She has this tendency to always have a smile on her face regardless of what she feels. Yejin can be pretty hilarious at times but most of the time, she would often has that 'ice cold' image. Yejin has her time when she can be really serious, i.e. when they are practicing or when they are on air, but offscreen, Yejin always takes good care of everyone around her. In short, Yejin is a well-mannered and likeable girl.
  • Chocolates, be it drinks or desserts
  • Social network accounts 
  • literature
  • peaches and apples
  • listening to various music on her iTouch
  • Polaroid camera
  • Getting less than 3 hours of sleep
  • Running out of chocolates
  • the last one to shower
  • Washing the dishes
  • Her iTouch/iPhone running out of batteries
  • When Yejin is nervous, she has the tendency to touch the back of her neck
  • She sleeps on one side
  • Cuts her food before she eats them
  • When Yejin is very, very tired, she will fall asleep anywhere and everywhere - even when she is standing or in the toilet
  • Yejin is a funny fellow when she gets tongue-tied or starstruck, she would often speak in both Korean and English
  • She always sits straight
  • Taking pictures and putting them up on her walls
  • Baking desserts  
  • Updating her social network accounts
  • Calling her grandparents before she sleeps
  • Collecting movie tickets
  • Hitting high notes easily
  • Playing the piano
  • can imitate Zelo's rap perfectly
  • Speaking English
  • Juggling
  • She grew up with her grandparents
  • Yejin has a pet dog named Keys - after Alicia Keys
  • Her favourite subject in school was English
  • Yejin has never actually gotten mad at a person before, only inanimate objects
  • Yejin can survive with only 3 hours of sleep every day
  • Her ideal man has to have a wonderful smile
  • She is a big fan of DBSK + JYJ
Biography: Yejin was born to two workaholics and she never really got to know her parents that well. Up until the age of two, Yejin was always left with her babysitter. That was until her grandparents came to visit her and when they found her pitiful state (her parents were not at home, her babysitter was being lousy), they decided to bring her back to Seoul. When her parents found out, they actually put up a good fight and did not want their only daughter so far in Seoul but after her grandparents pointed out all of their flaws in not being able to take care of a girl, Yejin was sent to live with her grandparents. Growing up in a different place - not where she was used to - made Yejin rather weird in certain ways. Due to her upbringing, she was often teased when she was a kid but Yejin being the girl that she was, never got mad. Yejin began to like performing when she followed her grandfather to a local noraebang and together, they would often sing to a bunch of songs, both English and Korean. That was the starting point of Yejin being involved with music.
  • Insectophobia
  • the smell of blood
  • Needles
  • Cats
  • Hello Kitty
Stage Name: Yejin.
Position Preferred: Leader | Sub Vocalist
Persona: The part time femme fatale (this is only because she changes into a whole different person when she sings and is on the stage)
Trainee Background: She has been a trainee for four whole years. Her trainee life was not that hard nor was it easy. It was a mix of those two. Yejin often gets scolded when she is with her choreographers, mainly because she always has a hard time trying to dance. But when she is with her vocal instructors, they are often amaze at how easily she can hit her notes and how she can rap on the spot.
Solo song: [x]
Ulzzang/Idol Name: Park Sora
Links: [x] [x] [x] [x]
Nam Jae Sok | 73 | Grandfather
Shim Min Yeong | 70 | Grandmother

Nam Woohyun | 22 | Infinite
Kim Himchan | 22| B.A.P
Love interest: Bang Yongguk
His personality: On the outer apperance, Yongguk seems to be a guy who is always cold towards people and can never crack a smile. Once you get to know Bang, he is actually a very sweet guy. Though he may not say what he feels most of the time, what he lacks in words, he would often pour it into his actions (they did say that action speaks louder than words). Being the leader of B.A.P, Yongguk carries a lot of responsibilties and he has to take care of his other members. Yongguk has his moments when he can be really funny but most of the time, Yongguk has the 'mysterious ice-prince' image.
Requested scene: They appear in a show together and Bang reveals that Yejin is just his ideal type, Yejin gets embarrassed and thank him. But the MCs wanted something more than that, so they told Bang to do aegyo and to break the ice between Yejin and Bang and Bang really does not like doing aegyo. So when he actually did his version of aegyo, Yejin felt so embarrassed but like his aegyo. The MCs then told Yejin to do something cute and Yejin said in a cute voice "Bang Yong Guk, bbuing bbuing".


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