i've been tagged lol.


rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!



Questions :

1) Did you know about this game?

= yup i've know this game for a long time alr lol. it's just me so lazy to play this game ;3

2) Were you suprised that I tagged you?

= uhm...
3) Do you hate me now? lol.

= WHO WOULDN'T? 8 | hohoho, i'm kidding lah 8D
4) Are you having fun answering?

= uhm...kinda? 
5) Do you find this weird?

= i find myungsoo weird.
6) Which kpop group do you like the most?

inpiniteu, tintap, bap, b1a4 ;3
7) Who's your bias in the group?

myungsoo byunghun zelo sandeul jinyoung 8 DD 
8) Which song do you like the most from that group?

fixed star (infinite), creyji (tintap), warrior (bap) & baby i'm sorry (b1a4)
9) why is your username [insert your username]?

'dat username exist 'cause i'm the maknae in my family plus... i'm childish 8DD harharhar, prob? 8|
10) Do you find me annoooooooooying?

nope because you're the most kyeopta saengie i've had :D


i hope this satisfy you, sabby saeng 8D


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thankyouuuu, Hana unnie. <3 XD