cuz my fwiend tagged me :3

1.) Which K-Pop idol would you marry and why?

TOP. All man and we would make some great babies. Oh, and he obviously is packing big down there~

2.) Do you feel as though Shindong is outcasted by his weight? If not, what is it?

Yes - being an idol of any kind means you have to maintain your weight and appear to the world as 'skinny'. It is a lot of pressure I am sure.

3.) How much SHINee merchandise do you own?

None yet 3

4.) Have you ever watched a music video by your favorite K-Pop group and hated it? Why?

Sunny Hill's "Is The White Horse Coming?" The guy with the big head completely scared the outta me.

5.) On a scale of one to Key, how fabulous do you consider yourself?

9. I'm not as fabulous as Key, but damnit I am soooo up there.

6.) How many tabs do you have open right now? What are they?

4 -> Facebook, AFF, DC Marvel Universe, and Cartoon Network

7.) Does anyone in your family like K-Pop?


8.) Have you ever eaten some yummy kimchi stew?

Not stew, but I have had kimchi. <3

9.) What time do you typically fall asleep?

2 AM usually.

10.) What is your favorite anime?

T^T why you make everything hard! Right now, it is One Piece.

11.) Do you love me~?

No. ;)

jk, i dooo. ♥


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