I finally got Tag, I was tag by my lovely Unni JKcashluv5| I tag 11 others check to see if I tag you


Rule One | Post the rules. Rule Two | Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions. Rule Three | Tag eleven people and link them to your post. Rule Four | Let them know you tagged them!


Q1: What is one of your current jams?

Infinite the Chaser, got to support my Angels

  Q2: What's your favorite TV show?

Hmmm I don't watch alot of TV, ah Vampire Prosecutor 

  Q3: What's your favorite dessert?

Peach cobbler 

  Q4: What is your number one favorite movie?

hmmm hard, a Korean one called Silence

  Q5: Do you like reading? If yes, what is your favorite genre to read?

Yes I do, I love Dean Kootz Books, so suspenseful and drama

  Q6: What do you like to do the most- sing, rap, or dance?

Dancing, I'm best at that

  Q7: Who is your top five biases? (List the group too!)

Hard >,< 

1. Infinite 

1.Ahn Daniel(TeenTop or TinTap)

3. Kris(he ties for first actually.)

4. Shim Changmin (DBSK)

5.Jung Yunho(DBSK)

  Q8: If you could create a K-pop group, what would their stage names be, their positions, etc.?

Hmmm I would have a 6 Member mixed race girl group, called Harmony

The leader and Main Dancer would be Melody, Would be African/Korean-American

The Maknae and Main Vocal, would be Soojung, has a dark past, as she from North Korea

Main Rapper and Lead Dancer would be Ayu, she's Japanese and French

Lead Vocal, Visual Would be Suki She Russian

Lead Rapper would be Jane, she from French

Sub Vocal, Actor of the group, would Cha Sun Hee, She would be the only Korean native 

  Q9: Do you like Disney movies? If yes, which is your favorite one(s) ?

Hmm Lion King, Finding Nemo, Beauty and the Beast, and Up

  Q10: Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Night Owl, I don't sleep, I'm just now going to sleep.

  Q11: Do you read or watch any anime?,

~Sigh~ Kinda of a otaku, I really love Anime 


So my 11 Question

Q1: What's your all time favorite Kpop song? (It's hard for me to choose >.<)

Q2: Have you ever had a music Craving?

Q3: Which Kpop top star do you like? (SuJu, TVXQ, SNSD, Wonder Girls, and/or BigBang)

Q4: What's was  the first Kpop thing that came to your mind?

Q5: Do you ever dream about your bias or Kpop thing?

Q6: What would you do in South Korea?

Q7: What you favorite old school Kpop song?

Q8: Have you eaten well today?

Q9: Favorite Drama (Japanese or Korean)

Q10: Why do you like Kpop?

Q11: How do you feel today?















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MaddiTeukieTan101 #1
Thanks for the tag~ Ha ha....It'll be up soon
Oh, gomawo for tagging me! =)
I'll answer the questions and will post it in a few minutes. <3
ackk someone caught me this time T^T lol jk! will be answering the questions! <3
I hope you don't mind me answering the questions here since I don't have so many friends to tag T_____T

Q1: Super Junior's In My Dream T_____T that song never fails to make me cry.

Q2: Uhmmmm... I don't know @.@

Q3: Super Junior!!!

Q4: Exo-K's MAMA on my ipod

Q5: Yes!!! I dream of them everyday

Q6: Go and marry Taemin ^.^

Q7: BoA's Everyheart

Q8: No @.@ i couldn't eat well because I kept thinking of Kai, Taemin and Ahn Daniel. >.<

Q9: My favorite Japanese drama is Koizora.

Q10: Like? I don't know. I just know that Kpop makes my heart beat faster ^.^

Q11: I feel like my heart's gonna jump out of my chest. >.<
Thanks for calling me lovely :) and for answering the questions!
Do you mind if I answer your eleven questions? Here I go!

Q1: What's your all time favorite Kpop song? SHINee's Honesty and H.O.T's Candy! Candy actually made me love Kpop when it first came out :)
Q2: Have you ever had a music craving? Heck yes! It happens often.
Q3: Which Kpop top star do you like? (SuJu, TVXQ, SNSD, Wonder Girls, and/or BigBang) SHINee<3, DB5K<3, and Suju<3.
Q4: What's the first Kpop thing that came to your mind? Key <3
Q5: Do you ever dream about your bias or Kpop thing? YES XD
Q6: What would you do in South Korea? What I always do when I go there. Eat, karaoke, sleep, go to Mubank and Inkigayo, travel, and eat more :)
Q7: What you favorite old school Kpop song? H.O.T's Candy
Q8: Have you eaten well today? No. I only had a third of a sub.
Q9: Favorite Drama (Japanese or Korean) THAT'S HARD X/ Uhm I'll name a few. One liter of tears (jap), City Hunter (kor), Mary Stayed Out All Night (kor), Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (jap), Secret Garden (kor), My GF is a gumiho (kor) etc.
Q10: Why do you like Kpop? It's addictive, awesome music. And the people are cool <3
Q11: How do you feel today? Sad, lazy, but also happy... :D