Repost of Licity's Thing!





1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?

nope, I've crushed on ugly guys. Personality all th


2. Smart?

They have to meet me in smartness. And love reading.


3. Preferred age?

my age.


4. Preferred height?

my height (5,4) PREFFERABLY, but I have a thing for tall guys;)


5. How about sense of humor?

My dorky and stupid sense of humor. If he doesn't think im funny... that kinds


6. How about piercings?

sure as long as its not the s or groin



7. Accepts you for who you are?



8. Pink hair?

too much



9. Mushy or no?

what's mushy?



10. Thin or fat?

normal or fit


11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?

I love men of all color, know om saying:D


12. Long hair or short hair?

medium is my thang


13. Plastic or metal?



14. Smells good?

YES a nice cologne


15. Smoker?

smoking is a y-looking thing, but its bad for you, so no...


16. Drinker?

I'd just prefer a blatant no


17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?



18. Muscular?

Nope, that's  a TURN-OFF! Especially when they have that gross veiny crotch muscle. I'd prefer him to be normal or fit.


19. Plays piano?

omg, itd be awesome if he played for me


20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?

same as above


21. Plays violin?

I love violin


22. Sings very good?

As long as he enjoys it, who cares


23. Vain?



24. With glasses?

Don't care


25. With braces?

That'd be a little weird, ever noticed how guys usually dont have glasses? Well, as long as he kept them clean and .


26. Shy type?

Hee hee, sure.


27. Rebel or Good girl?

good girl? lol. I like guys who do their thang, and think independently.


28. Active or passive?



29. Tight or bomb?

bomb of course


30. Singer or dancer?

both is best


31. Stunner?

eff yes.


32. Hiphop?

a must


33. Earrings?

not too flashy


34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?



35. Dimples?

If they work them, I have dimples!


36. Bookworm?

yes please. We could read together:0


37. Mr/Ms. love letter?



38. Playful?

all the time



39. Flirt?

this just doesnt work out with me



40. Poem writer?





at times


42. Campus crush?

college? lol


43. Painter?



44. Religious?

as long as the church doesnt control them



45. Someone who likes to tease people?

as long as its not really serious


46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

internets better. gamers annoy me


47. Speaks 20 languages?

naw, he'd probably have lovers all around the world.


48. Loyal or faithful?



49. Good kisser?



50. Loves children?

yes, that, is a turn on!


 do the quiz if you want

k bye



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...for all my answers: Taemin