Abt Ur Luv - Jihae Kim


Abt Ur Luv ♥ App Form 

please take out the brackets!


Everything about you!

AFF Username: cantresistTAEMtation

AFF Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/62411

What should I call ya?: Heren

Character: the Happy-Go-Lucky Gal


Character Information!

Name: Kim Jihae

Nickname: Ji DDong

Age: 18

Birthdate: 12/18

Birthplace: Daegu, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 162 cm

Weight: 44kg

Blood Type:O

Languages: Korean


The Inner You!

Personality: Jihae's smile will light up the room. If she smiles at someone, they automatically smile back without thinking. She will drop almost everything that comes in her hands and she's really forgetful. You can't depend on her to remind you to do something. She doesn't like atmosphere that you get in clubs. Like the feeling you get when you're not supposed to do something but you do it anyway. She'll fall on the most unexpected moments which makes people crack up. She doesn't mind people laughing when she falls because she likes to make them laugh but if it's in a bad way to make her feel embarassed, She'll just duck her head and blush a lot. She always has something sweet to say to her friends and family. Her Daegu accent will crack up a lot of people. Most people find that her charm. Also when she has her mind set to do something, she'll do it no matter what without giving up. She'll encourage people to never give up and keep on going. She believes that every girl is pretty in their own way and don't make them feel bad about it. Her motto is "'Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.'



  • The feeling you get when you accomplish something big.
  • Just sitting down outside when it's breezy and feel the wind in her hair.
  • Shopping
  • Laughing
  • smiling
  • Having the time of her life
  • Rollar Coasters!!!


  • Crying
  • Pure mean people
  • seeeing her friends or family, etc, frowning or sad
  • Insects
  • Being made fun of


  • Making people smile
  • Baking
  • Reading


  • When Jihae's sad, (which she rarely is) She'll duck her head and be reallly silent
  • Jihae speaks with a Daegu accent when she speaks korean. (SHe tries not to but it sounds really awkward)
  • Whe Jihae laughs, she'll cover and slap the person next to her until she calms down
  • When she smiles, her eye smile covers her whole eye. ( you can't see her eyes)
  • She says something really sweet that makes you melt to the core when your upset.


  • Her ideal type is a tall gentleman that can never get her bored of him. He has to be able to crack Jihae up and be cute.
  • She'll love anyone that sings for her or play the piano for her.
  • She will bake cookies for her close friends when it's Valentine's day.
  • She may be forgetful but she'll never forget anniversaries



  • Having no friends
  • Her goal not being accomplished

How do you look?

Ulzzang: Jung Sung Ah

Picture Links: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Back-up Ulzzang: Ha Nul

Picture Links:[1] [2] [3]

Style: Preppy but cute


Your Beloved Family!

Family Background: Her family used to live in Daegu until her parents got divorced. She lived with her mom with her younger sister and moved to Seoul when she was in 8th grade. She stood out from those people because of her Daegu accent but made friends instantly because of her personality.  


Parents: Kim Mi Hyun  || 38 || Coordinator || Mom  || Alive



Kim Ji Mi || 15 || Student  || Younger sister  || Alive


Relatives: None


School Girl!

Any clubs you joined?: Baking

Best Subject: Math and Science

Worst / Failing Subject: Social Studies and English


Love is in the Air...

Love Interest : SeHun 

Back-up: D.O.

How did you two meet?: Jihae was walking around her school campus while texting someone. When he accidently spilled his ice coffee into her phone. Sehun/D.O. kept on saying "sorry" but she didn't really care for her phone and said "it's okay cause nobody's perfect" . he was awed by her sweetness. When Jihae looked up from her phone, she met eyes with him and almost fainted at his handsome-ness. Same with him. Jihae fell on her when she noticed how close their faces were, He found that adorable and helped her up. When Jihae grabbed his hand, it was like electric bolt in her body. He got her house number so he can pay back by buying her lunch.  

Where did you two meet?: At her school campus

Are you two close?: they just met.

Love Machine: You both like each other


Before I go!

Any requested scenes?: When Sehun/D.O buys lunch for her, he also buys her a new phone(with a new number for her phone) with his number in her phone's contact list. He also added your number onto his phone. 

Have you subscribed?: si!

Any Last Words?: Good luck!

Password: heartsforEXO 


When It's All About Ur Luvyou'll do anything just for him... 


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cantresistTAEMtation #1
okay :D
Hi, um I have read your app, I LOVE YOUR APP THOUGH! :D
Also can you please delete the friends part? It's my mistake on putting that one up. Sorry T^T
Thank you for applying, yo! ^^~~