Guide to: Vampires

♔ Guide to: Vampires ♔

Vampires: Vampires need to drink blood to control their speed and power. They can walk in the sunlight without consequences and are about 20 times faster than any human being. Their fangs can be shown but they are not always out. Angel blood is the worst temptation for them. (Yes that means they love angel blood~)



-Getting bitten by a vampire doesn't turn you into a vampire -> see here

-You can feed from anyone as long as they give permission

-The academy has animal blood in the canteen

-If you feed from someone without asking permission and they mind this COULD land you into trouble. (depending on the situation)

-Yes getting your blood will make you dizzy/tired.

-Demons recover within seconds so they won't be dizzy or tired from having their blood .

-Yes a vampire can bite another vampire, they do have blood.

-A vampire usually only drink as much as they need but they can put the person they're drinking for in critical condition. (This will land them into trouble though.)

-Vampires can control their hunger so they won't put you into critical condition unless they either 1) lost control or 2) want to hurt you

-Their eyes can turn red because of bloodlust. Only red. -> blog here <-



Any other questions? Leave them behind and i'll answer!


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Headmaster_Leeteuk #1
that..i think i added that
O_o I'm screwed.....
Headmaster_Leeteuk #3
yup ^^ but maybe the vampire wants to hurt you so yeah~ let me add that part
hahah a lot of people curious about the vampire
but hyung...for the critical condition, the vampire can control their hunger so it won't make you into a critical condition except he lost some control...hehehe maybe^^
Headmaster_Leeteuk #5
Headmaster_Leeteuk #6
You´re welcome~
That's what these guides are here for XD
oh okay hyung^^
Headmaster_Leeteuk #8
Added that question
hey hyung...
are the vampire can bite another vampire?
is the vampire have blood?
(thanks for the guide :) This is helpful for my next 40minutes as a Vampire XD)