Awesome BANA is Awesome.

Hey BANAs! Remember the Engrish which Jinyoung and sometimes, Baro give in their lyrics or the title of their songs? Well, I saw 2 BANAs (or maybe more which currently haven't been discovered by me) that are so awesome to make those Engrish be (kinda) English


BANA # 1

(Credits to this awesome BANA that I don't know the name) Baby, I'm Sorry We got the better turns into Baby I'm Sorry We had it better. ( makes more sense right?)

BANA # 2 

(Credits to Flamee94 in youtube) Baby I'm Sorry, because I Only Learn The Bad Things and This Time Is Over. You were My Love and my Beautiful Target. Hope that after you hear this you will be O.K. , Baby Goodnight for the last time.


BANA, Making Engrish to English and giving sense to non sense


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