The Tagging Game~

Wow, my first blog post..

Thanks to for tagging me ^^
Let’s play a tagging game!

Rule one | post the rules.

Rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.

Rule three | tag at least 5 people and link them to your post.

Rule four | let them know you tagged them!

Question from tofuuchan & My answer ^^

ONE| What's your real name?
My real name is Hamizah.. People called me Mizah mostly ^^
TWO| Describe yourself in a few words.
Kpop fanatic ?   ^0^
THREE| What is the first thing you will do as soon as you land in KOREA?
FOUR| Which bias makes you ruin your bias list???
EXO KAI & LUHAN.. I don't know who to choose T_T
FIVE| If you lived next to a celebrity, how would you react?
(0o0) [asdfghjkl]  --> (*---*) [Stalking time, hehe]   nah, just kidding ^^
SIX| If you had to the chance to elope with your K-Pop bias, would you? 
No, afraid of another fans... fans nowadays are scary (>~<)
SEVEN| What is your all time favorite K-Pop song?
F.CUZ Jiggy [have been a fan of them since their debut]
EIGHT| Who introduced you to KPOP?
For Korean drama, it's already since 2007.. My classmate introduced me to kpop music in 2010.. I'm thankful to her ^^
NINE| Who do you like better?  EXO or B.A.P?  (not trying to create fanwars.  just curious.)
BOTH!! I like EXO for their romantic side & B.A.P for their powerful side..
TEN| Describe your Ideal Guy.
Someone who really loves me, take care of me well & encourage me when I'm sad..
ELEVEN| Do you love having me as a friend? (cause if you don't, I'm gonna kill you.  jkjk~  I love you too!)
OF COURSE!! I love being friends with all people who love kpop..
Especially when we shared the same bias & sharing info about them ^^


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Keke, it seems Luhan is everyone's bias! XDDD Thanks for playing along~~~ It was very fun looking at your answers! ^^