

So, uh, I got tagged by rinrinri [F]

and this is my first blog too, e-o

So here we go~ Wee~

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rule one | post the rules (herp derp)
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!

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My Questions:
1. Who are your top 5 biases?

  • L.joe
  • L
  • Daehyun
  • Minwoo
  • Onew

2. If you were to marry any Kpop Idol in the world, who would it be and why.

Uh, I think it would be... Um... I can’t answer this is too hard... T^T But if it had to be it would be one of my top 5 biases. The reason would be that, they are hardworking and inspiring. They work hard towards their dreams. And through all the hardships they are still able to put on a smile. And I admire that.

3. Do you watch Hello Baby? If so, what’s your favorite season?

SHINee Hello Baby, also the first Hello Baby I watched. But the next season that I really like would be MBLAQ Hello Baby owo

4. If you were part of a Kpop group, what would your role be? [Leader, Maknae, Rapper, Singer, Dancer, Visual, Aegyo, & etc.]

I uh, would be one of the singers. Mhm, probably not the main though.

5. Who would you want to be if you could chose to be one of those lovely Korean female Idols out there?

I think it would be IU. *^* she’s so adorable~

6. What animal do you think or other people think you look like?

I dunno, nobody ever really compared with an animal or if they did they never told me... And I think I look like, a Human :D

7. If you could choose your own name what would it be? (can’t be your own name)

I dunno, I never really thought about it. I really like my name, Irisa~ ^^

8. What idol (male, female, or both) has the ist body?

O///O well this is an awkward question that’s also difficult to answer... But answer would be, No comment.

9. Rating yourself 1 to 10, 1 being calm, collected, and unbiased. And 10 being insane judgmental fangirl. What number would you be?

My number would be... 6! I’m not so really calm so in between but I tend to spazz a lot with my friend so yeah...

10. If you had your own Korean Entertainment Company, what would one of the rules be?

You must be hardworking and devoted.

11. What would you name said company?

Dream Entertainment

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Phew~ That took longer than I expected... Well here goes my fail questions ;u;
1. Are you a tumblr addict?

2. What was the very first Kpop band you got hooked on to?

3. Who is your top 5 biases?

4. What was the last thing you ate?

5. What is your ideal type?

6. Who do you look up to in the Kpop world?

7. If you could meet any Kpop idol in the world who would it be?

8. What would you do if you randomly met your bias on the streets?

9. What’s your favorite song?

10. If you could go on a date with your bias what would you do?

11. How’s life?

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People that I tag~

I shall break the rules~

I didn’t tag 11 people only 6. But it’s close enough right? D:

I only tagged the people I was close to e-o (or talked to the most)


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